Typical Energy Drink Ingredients

Typical ingredients of an energy drink

An Energy Drink is any beverage that includes a stimulant ingredient, typically caffeine, as well as sugar and occasionally supplements, such as vitamins or carnitine, and is marketed as a substance capable of improving mental alertness and physical efficiency. Sports drinks, which are used to replace water and electrolytes during or after physical exercise, and coffee and tea, which are brewed, have fewer ingredients, and can be decaffeinated, are not the same as energy drinks. Energy drinks are also distinguished from soft drinks, which either do not contain caffeine or have low caffeine content. While some energy drinks are categorized as beverages, others, especially those containing food additives (such as taurine or other amino acids), may be sold as dietary supplements. Monster Energy, Red Bull, Beast, Rockstar, NOS, and Amp are examples of energy drinks.

Energy drink manufacturers say that their goods raise energy levels. Those arguments were usually based on proprietary formulas, in which a drink’s stimulant effects were claimed to be extracted from a particular concoction of ingredients. However, research has shown that the stimulant effects of energy drinks are predominantly due to caffeine. Other ingredients, such as taurine and vitamins B6 and B12, may have biological effects but aren’t known to raise energy levels; the effects of other ingredients, such as glucuronolactone, are uncertain. Vitamin and other additive levels in energy drinks often surpass minimum daily intakes.

The safety of energy drinks was a growing public health concern in the early twenty-first century. Combining energy drinks and alcohol, which became common among college students, was linked to an increased risk of high-risk drinking activity (e.g., binge drinking) as well as an increased risk of alcohol-related injury and other consequences. Human subjects who drank energy drinks had potentially adverse effects on their heart function and blood pressure, according to reports. For this, we’ll perform a detailed investigation of the typical ingredients in an energy drink.

1. Green yaupon (Yaupon Holly) in Energy Drinks

The yaupon tree is a native of the southeastern United States. The Yaupon leaves were revered as traditional medicine by the local tribes, who made a stimulating tea from them. The only caffeine source native to North America is yaupon. Yaupon is high in antioxidants, including chlorogenic acid, polyphenols, and flavonoids, which are similar to those found in blueberries. Theobromine, an alkaloid found in dark chocolate, is also found in yaupon. Yaupon has a variety of flavors, from smooth black tea to light green tea. Depending on the time of year and the roasting process, it can also have bitter notes.

Compounds found in Yaupon and other Ilex plant species have been shown to promote the numerous health benefits listed above.

  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Anti-diabetic
  • Antioxidant
  • Anti-obese
  • Anti-cancer
  • Nero protective

Not only can yaupon tea provide you with a caffeine boost, but it can also provide you with antioxidants. The leaves of the yaupon variety ‘Nana’ had the same anti-oxidation potential as blueberries and as much caffeine as Asian green tea, according to UF researchers.

Yaupon tea and green tea share more than antioxidants; they can both have a greenish color when brewed. Green tea is made with fresh leaves, while darker brown tea is made with roasted leaves. As a result, depending on how you prepare the leaves and how long you steep them, the appearance of your tea may vary.

“The financial challenge of American labor rates during harvesting and processing, in contrast to lower international sourced coffee and tea production costs, means yaupon tea will be a more expensive specialty,” says Abianne Miller Falla, cofounder of Cat Spring Tea. Cat Spring Tea currently gathers its yaupon leaves from the wild.

Although several companies have plans for RTD yaupon teas in the future (as well as one yaupon moonshine), ASI Tea was the first to launch a line of RTD yaupon teas in late 2014. Other native Southern ingredients like muscadine grapes, Aronia berries, local wild mints, and wild yaupon honey are combined with yaupon in the RTD teas, which each contains around 30 mg of caffeine, according to Thomann.

Caffeine and antioxidant yields in yaupon hedges, especially after nitrogen fertilization, indicate that yaupon could be used to make a relaxing and safe beverage. Caffeine levels in the foliage of both control and N-fertilized ‘Nana’cultivar hedges were lower than those of the other cultivars and wild-type individuals. Given the reputed health benefits of antioxidants, maintaining high antioxidant levels may be vital to yaupon’s economic value. The ability of antioxidants to scavenge, prevent the development, and/or facilitate the decomposition of free radicals, which are known to lead to a number of human health problems such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, brain dysfunction, and cataracts, is one of the benefits attributed to a diet rich in antioxidants. (2021)

Npr.org. 2021. NPR Cookie Consent and Choices. [online] Available at: <https://www.npr.org/sections/thesalt/2015/09/08/437580856/1-000-years-ago-caffeinated-drinks-had-native-americans-buzzing> [Accessed 2 March 2021].

Crane, M., 2021. Yaupon, the Only Caffeine Source Native to the U.S., Has Potential to Explode. [online] Nutritional Outlook. Available at: <https://www.nutritionaloutlook.com/view/yaupon-only-caffeine-source-native-us-has-potential-explode> [Accessed 2 March 2021].

2021. [online] Available at: <https://www.researchgate.net/publication/225473170_Ilex_Vomitoria_Ait_Yaupon_A_Native_North_American_Source_of_a_Caffeinated_and_Antioxidant-Rich_Tea> [Accessed 2 March 2021].

2. Spirulina in Energy Drinks

Spirulina, also known as Arthrospira, is a blue-green alga that is cultivated in both fresh and saltwater in Hawaii and other areas of the world. It became well-known after NASA used it as a dietary supplement for astronauts on space missions. It should be at the top of the nutrition world’s priority list because it is jam-packed with health benefits! It offers energy in particular, and it has the power to change. It has the ability to modulate immune functions and has anti-inflammatory properties because it prevents mast cells from releasing histamine. Several studies have been conducted to evaluate the effectiveness and possible clinical applications of Spirulina in the treatment of a variety of diseases, and a few randomized controlled trials and systematic reviews indicate that this alga may improve a variety of symptoms and may even have anticancer, antiviral, and antiallergic properties.

Spirulina’s protection has been demonstrated in various toxicological tests. Spirulina is now one of the substances that the US Food and Drug Administration has identified as “Generally Accepted as Safe” (GRAS). Spirulina is marketed predominantly as a dietary supplement in the form of health drinks or tablets and can be purchased in health food stores.

Spirulina’s beneficial effects in allergic rhinitis are supported by ample evidence, but larger studies are needed. Spirulina’s anticancer properties are thought to be derived from -carotene, a well-known antioxidant; however, the connection between -carotene levels and carcinogenesis cannot be identified since carcinoma etiology is often multifactorial. Spirulina has been shown to reduce cholesterol in some studies, but further research is needed before any conclusive conclusions can be drawn. Finally, no high-level evidence trials on Spirulina’s function in chronic fatigue and antiviral applications exist. At this time, the literature indicates that Spirulina is a healthy food supplement with few side effects, but its potential as a medication is uncertain.

2021. [online] Available at: <https://www.researchgate.net/publication/300112568_Production_of_Spirulina_sp_by_utilization_of_wastewater_from_the_powder_type_energy_drinks> [Accessed 2 March 2021].

Rajapaksha, D.C.; Edirisinghe, S.L.; Nikapitiya, C.; Dananjaya, S.; Kwun, H.-J.; Kim, C.-H.; Oh, C.; Kang, D.-H.; De Zoysa, M. Spirulina maxima Derived Pectin Nanoparticles Enhance the Immunomodulation, Stress Tolerance, and Wound Healing in Zebrafish. Mar. Drugs 2020, 18, 556. https://doi.org/10.3390/md18110556

3. Chlorella in Energy Drinks

Chlorella (along with spirulina) is rapidly gaining prominence as one of the world’s healthiest foods. Chlorella will soon be used in green smoothies around the country for a number of reasons, including detox, immune support, and enhanced athletic results. Although the problems with our agriculture and climate seem to be getting worse, there is one easy way to protect your body fight toxins: chlorella algae. Here are the key nutrients found in chlorella that help you stay energized during the day.

  • Active B12

According to research, chlorella is a plant food that contains a high level of active B12 (bioavailable). Subjects with low levels of B12 were given 9 grams of chlorella pyrenoidosa nutritional supplements for 60 days in one sample. The study concluded that the subject’s homocysteine levels were significantly reduced at the end of the 60-day duration, which is the primary predictor of B12 deficiency. These results indicate that chlorella is an important energy supplement because it provides the body with a quickly absorbed and assimilated form of B12.

  • Chlorophyll

Chlorophyll isn’t just good for plants; it also makes us feel more energized by increasing the amount of oxygen in our blood. Chlorophyll, as an effective blood cleanser, can help improve energy levels by encouraging full body detox and eliminating heavy metals and other chemicals that can cause fatigue and low concentration.

  • Chlorella Growth Factor (CGF)

CGF, or Chlorella Growth Factor, is a nutrient present only in chlorella. It contains nucleic acids, such as RNA and DNA, which aid in cell repair and regeneration. The simpler it is for our bodies to generate electricity, the healthier our cells are. CGF’s nucleic acids also assist in energy conservation. This is because our bodies naturally generate RNA and DNA; but, when we get them from dietary sources like chlorella, our bodies have one less job to do.

  • Alkaline minerals

Chlorella contains a variety of alkaline minerals, including calcium and magnesium. Alkaline minerals protect our blood from being too acidic, allowing oxygen to circulate more freely into our bodies. And, as you may already be aware, the more oxygen circulating into your body, the more energy you will have.

Chlorella’s experiments did not end with studies on world hunger and oxygen in space. Chlorella is still a well-studied food, with the majority of research concentrating on its health benefits. Here are some of the most remarkable findings from chlorella algae-specific research:

  • Toxins are extracted: It has the unusual ability to bind to heavy metals in the body and extract them. Chlorella has been shown in studies to be effective at eliminating a number of hazardous substances from the body, including heavy metals like lead, by reducing cadmium absorption.
  • Boosts the immune system: It has been discovered that it activates the development of many forms of immune cells. This study focused on the short-term effects of chlorella rather than the long-term benefits, so human test subjects saw changes in their immune systems after only two months.
  • Lowers Cholesterol: It has been proven effective in enhancing lipid-related biomarkers in multiple studies. In patients with slightly elevated cholesterol levels, it has been found to lower cholesterol and triglycerides. The high levels of carotenoids -carotene and lutein/zeaxanthin in chlorella, according to the researchers, are responsible for these health benefits. Chlorella has also been shown in studies to assist in the reduction of total body fat and blood glucose levels.
  • Blood Pressure is increased: Chlorella is rich in micronutrients and antioxidants, which are important for maintaining healthy arteries and, as a result, lowering blood pressure. These nutrients assist in the reduction of arterial stiffness, which is a common side effect of high blood pressure. According to some reports, chlorella helps to boost arterial health by rising nitric oxide levels.
  • Improved Aerobic Endurance: The ability of chlorella to increase oxygen uptake capacity in both young men and women was investigated. Perhaps more intriguing, chlorella was discovered to raise peak oxygen levels dramatically. These findings indicate that athletes who participate in sports or exercises that require a lot of aerobic endurance might benefit from eating chlorella.

2021. [online] Available at: <https://www.researchgate.net/publication/215522438_Microalgae_Chlorella_as_a_potential_bio-energy_feedstock> [Accessed 2 March 2021].

2021. [online] Available at: <https://www.researchgate.net/publication/262076700_The_Influence_of_Chlorella_and_Its_Hot_Water_Extract_Supplementation_on_Quality_of_Life_in_Patients_with_Breast_Cancer> [Accessed 2 March 2021].

Moringa in Energy Drinks

Moringa oleifera (M. oleifera) is an angiosperm plant that is native to the Indian subcontinent. Its various parts have been used as food and medicine throughout history. It is now grown in every tropical and sub-tropical area on the planet. On the Internet, this plant’s nutritional, prophylactic, and medicinal benefits are extolled. It promotes dietary intake as a strategy for personal health protection and self-medication in a variety of diseases. Before M. oleifera leaf formulations can be recommended as a drug for the prevention or treatment of diabetes and cardiovascular disease, further research is needed to establish the scientific basis for their effectiveness, therapeutic modalities of administration, and potential side effects.

Moringa has many advantages, according to research, and its uses range from wellbeing and beauty to preventing and curing diseases. Moringa’s advantages include:

  1. Preventing and treating cancer: M. oleifera has been shown in studies to protect biological cells from oxidative DNA damage, which is linked to cancer and degenerative diseases. Moringa extracts contain properties that might help prevent cancer developing. It also contains niazimicin, which is a compound that suppresses the development of cancer cells.
  2. Keeping the liver safe: Moringa helps to shield the liver from anti-tubercular drug damage and can speed up the healing process.
  3. Taking care of stomach problems: Some stomach disorders, such as constipation, gastritis, and ulcerative colitis, can benefit from moringa extracts. Moringa’s antibiotic and antibacterial properties can aid in the prevention of pathogen development, and its high vitamin B content aids digestion.
  4. Keeping the cardiovascular system safe: Moringa extract contains strong antioxidants that have been shown to help prevent cardiac damage and maintain a healthy heart.
  5. Face and hair protection and nourishment: Moringa seed oil protects hair from free radicals while also keeping it clean and smooth. Moringa also includes protein, which helps to protect skin cells from oxidative stress. It also has hydrating and detoxifying properties that benefit the skin and hair.
  6. Making your bones stronger: Moringa also contains calcium and phosphorus, all of which are beneficial to bone health. Moringa extract, in addition to its anti-inflammatory properties, can aid in the treatment of conditions such as arthritis and the healing of damaged bones.
  7. Reducing high blood pressure is a difficult task: Moringa contains the compounds isothiocyanate and niaziminin, which help to prevent artery thickening, which may raise blood pressure.
  8. Optimum eye condition: Because of its high antioxidant content, moringa has the ability to improve eyesight. Moringa has been shown to reduce retinal vessel dilation, prevent capillary membrane thickening, and inhibit retinal dysfunction.

SAGE Journals. 2021. How Functional Is Moringa oleifera? A Review of Its Nutritive, Medicinal, and Socioeconomic Potential – Oluwadara Oluwaseun Alegbeleye, 2018. [online] Available at: <https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/0379572117749814> [Accessed 3 March 2021].

2021. [online] Available at: <https://www.researchgate.net/publication/318748161_Research_advances_on_the_multiple_uses_of_Moringa_oleifera_A_sustainable_alternative_for_socially_neglected_population> [Accessed 3 March 2021].

Reishi mushroom in Energy Drinks

One particular fungus that’s sprouting up a lot in wellness circles is the Reishi mushroom. Also known as “lingzhi,” the Reishi mushroom has been used for thousands of years in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), because people claim it has anti-aging properties, can boost memory and energy, and reduce stress. In TCM, Reishi is considered “a divine, spiritual, magic kind of mushroom, so to speak,” and it’s tough to come by in its pure form, says Jingduan Yang, MD, a board-certified psychiatrist and founding medical director of Tao Integrative Medicine in Philadelphia. These days, you can buy manufactured Reishi mushrooms as a powder, dietary supplement, or tea.

However, mushrooms do have special properties that make them slightly more legit as far as herbal remedies go. Reishi mushrooms are used to treat a number of health conditions, like viral infections, lung conditions, heart issues, kidney disease, urinary symptoms, and even cancer (when combined with other herbs).

Scientists have discovered a number of advantages, but it’s important to remember that many of these experiments were not performed on humans (or if they were, the sample size was small), and further research is needed before these hypotheses can be proved definitively.

  1. They can improve the immune system: Reishi mushrooms have long been used to boost the immune system—in Asian cultures, they’re also used as an immunostimulant for HIV and cancer patients. The mushroom’s beta glucans (complex sugars) are thought to boost the immune system’s ability to fight infection.
  2. Reishi mushrooms can help with exhaustion because they are adaptogens, which are plants that help the body deal with stress. Consumption of a compound contained in reishi mushrooms was shown to relieve aches, pains, and feelings of irritability in a study of 132 patients suffering from neurasthenia (a disorder marked by physical and mental exhaustion).
  3. According to a rat study conducted in 2014, compounds found in reishi mushrooms can help keep high blood pressure at bay. However, if you’re taking blood pressure medicine, talk to your doctor before taking reishi mushrooms, as the combination may cause your blood pressure to drop dangerously low.
  4. Triterpenes and beta glucans, two cholesterol-lowering compounds found in reishi mushrooms, can lower total cholesterol and LDL, or “poor cholesterol.”
  5. They may be beneficial to diabetics: In one small double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, reishi mushrooms were found to lower blood sugar levels, likely by inhibiting a glucose-producing enzyme. Furthermore, a different group of researchers concluded that reishi mushrooms may prevent or stop kidney complications in diabetes patients after seeing significantly reduced kidney stress and lower blood sugar levels in test subjects.
  6. Reishi mushroom spores have been shown to facilitate liver cell regeneration in mice, which improves the organ’s ability to transport toxins out of the body. A healthy liver can also help with the other health benefits mentioned above, such as blood sugar control and allergy management.

Healthline. 2021. 6 Benefits of Reishi Mushroom (Plus Side Effects and Dosage). [online] Available at: <https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/reishi-mushroom-benefits#TOC_TITLE_HDR_4> [Accessed 3 March 2021].

Ping Geng, Ka-Chai Siu, Zhaomei Wang, Jian-Yong Wu, “Antifatigue Functions and Mechanisms of Edible and Medicinal Mushrooms”, BioMed Research International, vol. 2017, Article ID 9648496, 16 pages, 2017. https://doi.org/10.1155/2017/9648496

Astragalus in Energy Drinks

Astragalus is a type of plant. Medicine is made from the root. It’s used to treat a variety of ailments, but there isn’t enough clinical evidence to say if it works with any of them.

Astragalus is used to treat common colds, upper respiratory infections, seasonal allergies, swine flu, fibromyalgia, anemia, HIV/AIDS, as well as to improve and control the immune system. Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), kidney failure, diabetes, and high blood pressure are all treated with it.

Astragalus is also used to treat angina, asthma, irregular menstruation (amenorrhea), menopausal symptoms, and beta-thalassemia, as well as to help athletes perform better and lose weight.

Astragalus is used as a general tonic, to protect the liver, and to combat bacteria and viruses by some people. It’s also used to treat hepatitis B and to avoid and mitigate the side effects of cancer treatment.

Astragalus is often applied to the skin to help speed wound healing by increasing blood flow to the region.

Chest pain, cancer treatment side effects, heart failure, hearing loss, diabetes, heart attacks, heart infections, kidney failure, lupus (systemic lupus erythematosus), and a specific heart defect are all treated with astragalus (tetralogy of Fallot).

2021. [online] Available at: <https://www.researchgate.net/publication/336316197_A_REVIEW_OF_ASTRAGALUS_SPECIES_AS_FOODSTUFFS_DIETARY_SUPPLEMENTS_A_TRADITIONAL_CHINESE_MEDICINE_AND_A_PART_OF_MODERN_PHARMACEUTICAL_SCIENCE> [Accessed 8 March 2021].

RxList. 2021. Astragalus: Health Benefits, Uses, Side Effects, Dosage & Interactions. [online] Available at: <https://www.rxlist.com/astragalus/supplements.htm> [Accessed 8 March 2021].

Chaga mushroom in Energy Drinks

In the northern hemisphere, the chaga mushroom grows on birch trees. It looks more like a dark clump of soil than a mushroom, but its orange tissue sets it apart from other growths. Doctors, alternative medicine proponents, and researchers are becoming increasingly involved in the chaga mushroom’s possible health benefits (Inonotus obliquus). Chaga has been used to cure diseases, restore fertility, and increase energy in cultures for thousands of years. The mushroom was used as a health and longevity medicine in Russia, Poland, China, and the Baltic states. The chunks of chaga are used to make a tea and sometimes a tincture. It’s also available as a powder, but that’s less popular. The indigenous peoples of the Siberian Mountains inhaled chaga, drank chaga tea, smoked chaga, and used it to make a skin poultice. Finally, it is used as an intergerent in alcoholic beverages. Some research on chaga mushrooms has yielded promising results, and as a result, we now know the following chaga mushroom benefits:

1. High-nutrient superfood

Chaga mushrooms are high in vitamins, minerals, and nutrients, including the following:

  • Vitamins B-complex
  • D-vitamin
  • A source of potassium
  • Cesium and rubidium
  • A mixture of amino acids
  • Copper, selenium, zinc
  • Manganese and iron
  • Calcium and magnesium

2. Cholesterol reduction

Many antioxidants in chaga mushrooms can help to lower low-density lipoprotein (LDL), or “negative” cholesterol. Since high cholesterol is a major risk factor for heart disease, chaga mushrooms can be beneficial in the fight against heart disease.

3. Cancer prevention and treatment

Antioxidants, which are chemicals that help avoid cell damage caused by free radicals or oxidants, are abundant in chaga. Oxidative stress occurs when the body is unable to produce enough antioxidants to prevent this damage. Oxidative stress has been linked to cancer and a variety of other health issues.

Chaga was found to delay the growth of lung, breast, and cervical cancer cells in a petri dish in a 2010 report. In the same report, chaga was found to delay the growth of tumors in mice.

Triterpenes, which are present in chaga and other mushrooms, cause tumor cells to self-destruct, according to a 2009 report. Unlike other cancer therapies, however, chaga seems to have no negative effects on healthy cells.

While similar promising findings have been found in other research, they have all been conducted on animals or in a laboratory. Researchers would need to perform comprehensive human trials to prove chaga’s anti-cancer benefits conclusively.

4. Immune system assistance

Chaga appears to help control the development of cytokines, which supports the immune system by allowing cells to interact with one another, according to mouse studies. This could aid in the treatment of infections ranging from mild colds to life-threatening diseases.

5. Inflammation control

Inflammation is related to certain illnesses, especially chronic conditions like rheumatoid arthritis. According to new research, chronic inflammation may play a role in some conditions that aren’t traditionally thought to be inflammatory, such as depression. Chaga’s ability to regulate cytokine production can also aid in inflammation regulation. This suggests that chaga may have a role in the treatment of autoimmune diseases and probably other diseases.

6. Blood sugar control

Chaga may be useful in the battle against diabetes. Chaga mushrooms were found to lower blood sugar levels in rats in a 2006 study. The rodents were genetically altered to develop diabetes and obesity. Their blood sugar levels were lower after 8 weeks of consuming chaga mushrooms. Despite the fact that no human studies have been conducted, this means that chaga could one day lead to a diabetes alternative treatment.

Healthline. 2021. Chaga Mushroom: Uses, Benefits and Side Effects. [online] Available at: <https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/chaga-mushroom> [Accessed 8 March 2021].

Eat This Not That. 2021. Chaga Coffee: How & Why to Drink Mushroom Coffee | Eat This Not That. [online] Available at: <https://www.eatthis.com/chaga-mushroom-coffee/> [Accessed 8 March 2021].

Cordyceps mushroom in Energy Drinks

Cordyceps is a genus of parasitic fungi that feeds on insect larvae. When these fungi invade their host, they replace tissue and grow long, slender stems outside the body. For decades, the remains of the bug and fungi have been gathered by hand, dried, and used in Traditional Chinese Medicine to treat exhaustion, nausea, kidney disease, and low sex drive. Cordyceps extract supplements and products have grown in popularity as a result of their numerous claimed health benefits. Cordyceps sinensis and Cordyceps militarist are two of the more than 400 Cordyceps species found, and they have been the subject of health studies. However, since most of this study is confined to animal or lab tests, health authorities are unable to draw conclusions regarding their impact on humans at this time. Their possible health benefits, on the other hand, are promising. We will illustrate the following Cordyceps mushroom benefits based on scientific evidence:

  • Cordyceps as a physical enhancer for athletes

Cordyceps is thought to boost the body’s development of the molecule adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is essential for muscle energy delivery. This can help your body use oxygen more efficiently, particularly during exercise. Researchers used a stationary bike to assess their impact on exercise ability in 30 stable older adults in one study. For six weeks, participants were given either 3 grams of a synthetic Cordyceps strain called CS-4 or a placebo tablet. Participants who took CS-4 had a 7% increase in VO2 max by the end of the study, while those who took the placebo pill had no difference. VO2 max is a test that is used to assess one’s degree of fitness. Cordyceps, on the other hand, does not appear to be successful in enhancing exercise efficiency in qualified athletes, according to current studies.

  • The medicinal value of cordyceps and its phytochemical constituents

Cordyceps has a variety of biological impacts on human organ systems, including the nervous system (sedative, anticonvulsant and cooling effects). method of respiration (relaxant role in the bronchi, it increases adrenaline secretion from the adrenal glands and important role in tracheal contraction caused by histamine, antitussive, expectorant and anti-asthmatic action and prevents pulmonary emphysema). It may affect male hormone by increasing plasma corticosterone levels), nourishing the kidney, renal, hyposexuality, and hyperlipidemia, among other things.

It’s also been used as an antitumor, haemostatic, mycolytic, antiashmatic, and expectorant, among other things. Few pharmacophores, such as cordycepin and polysaccharides, have been identified as cytotoxic, antibiotic, antitumor, antioxidation, and immune system boosters, among other things.

  • Anti-Aging Effects

Cordyceps has long been used by the elderly to relieve exhaustion, increase stamina, and increase sex drive. Their antioxidant content, according to researchers, may explain their anti-aging properties. Cordyceps increases antioxidants in aged mice, which helps to boost memory and sexual function, according to several studies. Cordyceps, on the other hand, isn’t believed to have the same anti-aging properties in humans.

Panda, A. K., & Swain, K. C. (2011). Traditional uses and medicinal potential of Cordyceps sinensis of Sikkim. Journal of Ayurveda and integrative medicine, 2(1), 9–13. https://doi.org/10.4103/0975-9476.78183

Ashwagandha root in Energy Drinks

Ashwagandha is an evergreen shrub that can be found in India, the Middle East, and Africa. It’s been used in traditional medicine for a long time. People have used the roots and orange-red fruit of ashwagandha for medicinal purposes for hundreds of years. Indian ginseng and winter cherry are two other names for the plant. This herb is used as a general tonic to increase vitality and relieve tension and anxiety, according to practitioners. Some people believe that the herb can help with cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, and anxiety. More research is needed; up to this point, promising studies on the health benefits of ashwagandha have mostly been conducted on animals.

  • Anti-inflammatory Properties

Ashwagandha has been shown to help reduce inflammation in animals in many studies. Natural killer cells, which are immune cells that battle infection and help you remain healthy, have been shown to increase in activity in human studies. It has also been shown to lower inflammatory markers including C-reactive protein (CRP). This marker has been related to a higher risk of cardiovascular disease. In one randomized trial, participants who took 250 mg of standardized ashwagandha extract daily saw a 36 percent reduction in CRP on average, compared to a 6% reduction in the placebo community.

  • Can help to lower blood sugar levels

Ashwagandha has been shown to reduce blood sugar levels in many trials. It increased insulin secretion and enhanced insulin sensitivity in muscle cells, according to one test-tube analysis. In addition, some human studies show that it can lower blood sugar levels in both healthy and diabetic people. Additionally, those treated with ashwagandha had an average decrease in fasting blood sugar levels of 13.5 mg/dL, compared to 4.5 mg/dL in those who received a placebo, in a 4-week study in people with schizophrenia. Furthermore, supplementing with ashwagandha for 30 days reduced fasting blood sugar levels in 6 people with type 2 diabetes in a small sample. However, since the analysis lacked a control group, the findings are suspect.

  • Is a traditional medicinal plant

In Ayurveda, a type of alternative medicine based on Indian principles of natural healing, ashwagandha is one of the most essential herbs. It has been used to alleviate stress, increase energy, and boost focus for over 3,000 years. Sanskrit for “horse’s breath,” Ashwagandha refers to the herb’s distinct aroma as well as its ability to boost power. A variety of conditions are treated with extracts or powder made from the plant’s root or leaves. Its high concentration of withanolides, which have been shown to combat inflammation and tumor development, is responsible for many of its health benefits.

  • properties anticancer

Withaferin, a compound contained in ashwagandha, has been shown in animal and test-tube experiments to aid in the induction of apoptosis, or the programmed death of cancer cells. It also slows the spread of new cancer cells in a variety of ways. To begin, withaferin is thought to encourage the formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) within cancer cells, causing them to malfunction. Second, it may make cancer cells more susceptible to apoptosis.

Wankhede, S., Langade, D., Joshi, K., Sinha, S. R., & Bhattacharyya, S. (2015). Examining the effect of Withania somnifera supplementation on muscle strength and recovery: a randomized controlled trial. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 12, 43. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12970-015-0104-9

2021. [online] Available at: <https://www.researchgate.net/publication/12365397_Scientific_basis_for_the_therapeutic_use_of_Withania_somnifera_Ashwagandha_A_Review> [Accessed 8 March 2021].

Hibiscus flower in Energy Drinks

Many people are familiar with the hibiscus plant’s lovely flowers (Hibiscus Sabdariffa). It is native to North Africa and Southeast Asia, but it now thrives in a wide range of tropical and subtropical climates. People use different parts of the plant as food and medicine all over the world. Researchers looked into whether crushed salted millet flour and hibiscus flower powder had any health benefits and discovered the following:

  • used as a calcium supplement for women who have a calcium deficiency

The results show that adding malted finger millet and hibiscus flower powder to the beverage powder increased nutritional content, especially calcium, as well as antioxidants such as total polyphenols and radical scavenging activity. As an alternative to drinks with low nutritional / neutraceutical value, this instant health beverage powder may be used for disease prevention and health promotion.

  • Blood pressure that is too high

In people with mild or high blood pressure, drinking hibiscus tea for 2-6 weeks lowers blood pressure by a small amount, according to most early studies. In people with slightly high blood pressure, drinking hibiscus tea can be as effective as the prescription drug captopril and more effective than the drug hydrochlorothiazide, according to preliminary reports.

  • Cholesterol or blood fat levels that are abnormally high should be reduced.

Early research suggests that drinking hibiscus tea or taking hibiscus extract by mouth can help people with metabolic disorders including diabetes lower their cholesterol and other blood fats. Other studies, on the other hand, indicate that hibiscus does not lower cholesterol in people with high cholesterol.

2021. [online] Available at: <https://www.researchgate.net/publication/282828365_Enhancing_micronutrient_content_of_beverage_powder_by_incorporating_malted_finger_millet> [Accessed 10 March 2021].

2021. [online] Available at: <https://www.ijarse.com/images/fullpdf/1523554388_352IJARSE.pdf> [Accessed 10 March 2021].

Ba and Social Distancing, Q., 2021. HIBISCUS: Overview, Uses, Side Effects, Precautions, Interactions, Dosing and Reviews. [online] Webmd.com. Available at: <https://www.webmd.com/vitamins/ai/ingredientmono-211/hibiscus> [Accessed 10 March 2021].

Chrysanthemum flower in Energy Drinks

Chrysanthemums, also known as mums, are a multi-petalled flower that can be found in garden beds and flower pots all over the world. Chrysanthemum blooms range in color from pale yellow to bright red, with a few green and purple varieties available. They’ve been depicted in art for centuries, and they’re not just pretty to look at. Chrysanthemums are also edible and have long been used as a medicinal plant.

Chrysanthemum has been used in Chinese medicine for hundreds of years. It’s used to treat things like asthma, high blood pressure, and hyperthyroidism. The flower’s supporters also say that it will reduce inflammation and relax your nerves.

Because of their use in alternative medicine, scientists have begun to investigate the medicinal benefits of chrysanthemums. According to one study, chemicals derived from chrysanthemum flowers can help to minimize inflammation. Another research discovered that chrysanthemum extract could aid in the treatment of bone diseases such as osteoporosis.

Renee Rosen, a nutritionist who studied at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, has done extensive research on chrysanthemum. “One cannot hope to have a miracle recovery from osteoporosis or to relax nerves by taking chrysanthemum,” she says. Rosen recommends maintaining the preparation’s purity and concentration. She also suggests that you take chrysanthemum for a long time to enjoy the benefits.

“What seems realistic is that certain people with the right body constitution will use chrysanthemum to minimize heat and inflammation for very long periods of time,” Rosen says, after studying the alleged cooling and anti-inflammatory effects of chrysanthemum.

2021. [online] Available at: <https://www.researchgate.net/publication/228500486_Analysis_of_chemical_composition_of_Chrysanthemum_indicum_flowers_by_GCMS_and_HPLC> [Accessed 18 March 2021].

2021. [online] Available at: <https://www.researchgate.net/publication/336316194_A_REVIEW_OF_CHRYSANTHEMUM_THE_EASTERN_QUEEN_IN_TRADITIONAL_CHINESE_MEDICINE_WITH_HEALING_POWER_IN_MODERN_PHARMACEUTICAL_SCIENCES> [Accessed 18 March 2021].

Green yaupon in Energy Drinks

Yaupon is an evergreen holly native to the southeastern United States (Ilex vomitoria, Aquifoliaceae). It grows wild along the coast from southeastern Maryland and Virginia to Florida, west to the eastern half of Texas, and north to the Ouachita Mountains of Arkansas, where the species originated. Yaupon belongs to the same family and genus as yerba maté (I. paraguariensis), whose leaves are used to make Argentina’s famous national drink, which is exported in large quantities every year. Guayusa (I. guayusa), a lesser-known but increasingly popular caffeine-containing South American plant that is being introduced as a tea in the United States, belongs to the genus.

Uses in the Past

  1. Many tribes in the Southeast and trans-Mississippi South were known to use Yaupon in political, religious, and social contexts.
  2. Native Americans along the Carolina coast used yaupon for rituals and ceremonies, village councils, and other important gatherings. It was also used to show friendship and as a social drink.
  3. Because it was a symbol of purity and was used for peaceful purposes throughout the Southeast, some Native Americans in the area referred to the tea as “white drink.”
  4. Most southeastern Native American tribes appear to have reserved the black drink for special occasions only, rather than as a regular tea that could be consumed at any time. For many, it was only used for male pursuits.

2021. [online] Available at: <https://www.researchgate.net/publication/225473170_Ilex_Vomitoria_Ait_Yaupon_A_Native_North_American_Source_of_a_Caffeinated_and_Antioxidant-Rich_Tea> [Accessed 18 March 2021].

Lavender in Energy Drinks

Lavender is a mint-family flowering plant with a delicious floral fragrance that is quickly recognized. It is thought to be native to the Mediterranean, the Middle East, and India, and has a 2,500-year history. Lavender was once considered to be a sacred flower. It was also commonly used to refresh and give a light fragrance to a number of personal products, such as clothing and hair.

Lavender essential oil was found to be an important remedy in enhancing the sleep quality of intensive care unit (ICU) patients who had trouble sleeping, according to a report published in March 2017 in the British Association of Critical Nurses. If you’ve done everything else and still can’t sleep, try putting a few drops of lavender essential oil on your pillow before going to bed tonight.

Health benefits of Lavender

1. Assist with Sleep Improvement

If you’re willing to try something for a good night’s sleep, lavender essential oil was found to be a successful remedy in improving the sleep quality of intensive care unit (ICU) patients who had trouble sleeping in a report published in March 2017 in the British Association of Vital Nurses. If you’ve done everything else and still can’t sleep, try putting a few drops of lavender essential oil on your pillow before going to bed tonight. Just try not to drink it, or any other essential oil for that matter, as this may be detrimental to your health.

2. It aids in stress management

Lavender oil’s calming properties don’t end there. Researchers discovered that lavender oil could compete with a prescription drug for general anxiety in one trial. One group of patients took the anxiety drug Lorazepam for six weeks, while the other took an oral dose of lavender oil. Both groups showed a nearly equal decrease in anxiety at the end of the trial period—45 percent and 46 percent, respectively. Even in more severe situations, the oil proved to be effective: Lavender aromatherapy also reduced anxiety levels in preoperative patients, according to a 2017 report.

3. It has the ability to fight fungal infections

Lavender oil has antibacterial and antifungal properties, so it may be able to help you get rid of them. In one lab study, it was shown to protect against candida (the cause of yeast infections). It’s worth noting, however, that this was a preliminary in vitro analysis, which meant contaminated cells were mixed with lavender oil in a test tube and observed. Since the pure form of lavender oil, or any essential oil for that matter, is too strong and may burn, do not apply it topically to your vagina. These kinds of studies will help researchers learn more about a substance’s properties and possible applications, but more research is required to learn how lavender can be used to treat fungal infections in the future.

4. It has the power to heal wounds

Over the course of a five-day period, lavender oil closed wounds faster than other solutions, such as saline and iodine, according to one animal report. This was attributed to an increase in the amount of EGF, or epidermal growth factor, in the skin, which is needed for tissue regeneration. The catch: Since the research was performed on animals, more thorough clinical trials are needed before lavender oil can be hailed as the next Neosporin.

Koulivand, P. H., Khaleghi Ghadiri, M., & Gorji, A. (2013). Lavender and the nervous system. Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine : eCAM, 2013, 681304. https://doi.org/10.1155/2013/681304


The Sambucus tree, a flowering plant in the Adoxaceae family, is known by many different names, including elderberry. Sambucus nigra, also known as European elderberry or black elder, is the most common form. This tree is native to Europe, but it is also commonly planted in other parts of the globe.

Various parts of the elderberry tree have been used for medicinal and culinary purposes throughout history. The flowers and leaves have traditionally been used for pain relief, swelling, inflammation, stimulating urine production, and inducing sweating. The bark was used as a diuretic, a laxative, and a vomiting inducer.

The dried berries or juice are used as a laxative and diuretic in folk medicine to treat influenza, infections, sciatica, headaches, dental pain, heart pain, and nerve pain.

Elderberries can also be cooked and turned into juice, jams, chutneys, pies, and wine. Flowers are often infused in tea or boiled with sugar to make a sweet syrup. You may also eat them raw in salads.

Elderberries are also known as:

  • Vitamin C content: Fruit contains 6–35 mg of vitamin C per 100 grams, accounting for up to 60% of the recommended daily intake.
  • High in dietary fiber: with 7 grams per 100 grams of fresh berries, or more than a quarter of the daily recommended fiber intake.
  • A good source of phenolic acids: These compounds are potent antioxidants that can aid in the reduction of oxidative stress-related damage in the body.
  • Flavonols are abundant in this food: The antioxidant flavonols quercetin, kaempferol, and isorhamnetin are present in elderberry. The flowers have up to ten times the amount of flavonols as the berries.
  • Rich in anthocyanins: which give the fruit its distinctive dark black-purple hue, are a potent antioxidant with anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Might help with cold and flu symptoms: Elderberry is used in a range of ways for the treatment of colds, including liquids, tablets, lozenges, and gummies.
  • Antioxidant-rich: The elderberry plant’s flowers, fruits, and leaves are all high in antioxidants. Anthocyanins in berries, for example, have 3.5 times the antioxidant capacity of vitamin E.

(2021). Retrieved 28 March 2021, from https://www.researchgate.net/publication/8897066_Effects_of_elderberry_juice_on_fasting_and_postprandial_serum_lipids_and_low-density_lipoprotein_oxidation_in_healthy_volunteers_A_randomized_double-blind_placebo-controlled_study

(COVID-19), C., Health, E., Disease, H., Disease, L., Management, P., & Conditions, S. et al. (2021). Elderberry: Health Benefits, Risks, Uses, Effectiveness. Retrieved 28 March 2021, from https://www.webmd.com/diet/elderberry-health-benefits#1


Turmeric is a vivid orange-yellow spice that is widely used in curries and sauces. Turmeric is obtained from the root of the turmeric plant. For thousands of years, the spice has been used for its therapeutic, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory effects. And its benefits are:

1. Antioxidant

Curcumin has been shown to enhance oxidative stress markers in the body. It has been shown to increase the serum activities of antioxidants including superoxide dismutase (SOD). Curcumin is also a lipophilic compound, making it an effective scavenger of peroxyl radicals. As a result, curcumin, like vitamin E, is considered a chain-breaking antioxidant.

2. Relieves the effects of arthritis

Turmeric tea’s potent anti-inflammatory properties can help arthritis sufferers minimize inflammation and swelling. This alleviates the discomfort. Turmeric’s active ingredient, curcumin, was found to be successful in reducing pain in patients with osteoarthritis in one study Trusted Source.

3. Immune system booster

Turmeric’s medicinal compounds could be able to help people with immune disorders by boosting their immune systems. Turmeric, according to one study Trusted Source, will help to control the immune system.

4. Aids in the prevention of Alzheimer’s disease

Although scientists are still trying to find out what causes Alzheimer’s disease, it appears that curcumin, which is present in turmeric, may help prevent it. Turmeric’s antioxidants help to combat Alzheimer’s disease. More specifically, some research indicates that turmeric can minimize synaptic marker loss and amyloid accumulation, both of which are related to Alzheimer’s disease progression.

5. Aids in the prevention of cancer

Turmeric tea’s medicinal properties, which include antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, can help to prevent cancer. Curcumin has been identified by the National Cancer Institute as an important anticarcinogen, or drug that helps prevent cancer.

6. Helps to keep ulcerative colitis in remission

Ulcerative colitis (UC) is a chronic gastrointestinal disease that causes ulcers in the lower intestine. Turmeric can aid in the maintenance of symptom-free status. A research conducted by the University of Maryland Medical Center showed that UC patients in remission who ingested turmeric had substantially lower relapse rates.

7. It lowers cholesterol levels

Lowering your LDL (or “bad”) cholesterol will help you avoid developing serious conditions like heart disease and stroke. Turmeric has been shown to be successful in this regard. For example, according to a 2008 study Trusted Source, a low dose of curcumin was linked to lower LDL and total cholesterol levels.

8. Can aid in the treatment of uveitis

Uveitis is a disease in which the iris becomes inflamed. Early research suggests that curcumin, found in turmeric, may be as effective as corticosteroids, but without the negative side effects.

Hewlings, S. J., & Kalman, D. S. (2017). Curcumin: A Review of Its Effects on Human Health. Foods (Basel, Switzerland), 6(10), 92. https://doi.org/10.3390/foods6100092


One of the most widely used culinary condiments on the planet is ginger. The oleoresin (oily resin) derived from the rhizomes (roots) of ginger contains several bioactive components, including gingerol, the main pungent ingredient thought to have a wide range of pharmacological and physiological effects. While ginger is generally thought to be healthy, the lack of a full understanding of its mechanisms of action indicates that it should be used with caution in therapeutic settings.

Ginger has been used to treat a variety of illnesses for thousands of years, including colds, nausea, arthritis, migraines, and hypertension. Ginger’s medical, biological, and pharmacological properties have all been thoroughly investigated. Interest in ginger or its various components as effective preventive or therapeutic agents has risen dramatically in recent years, as has the number of scientific studies examining ginger’s pharmacological and physiological effects.

Ginger’s future health benefits

1. Anti-inflammatory and Antioxidant properties

Ginger contains a number of anti-inflammatory compounds, including antioxidants, which are compounds that protect the body from damage caused by unstable molecules known as free radicals. Ginger, for example, contains strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compounds such as gingerols, paradols, sesquiterpenes, shogaols, and zingerone.

2. May improve nausea and digestive issues

Ginger supplementation has been shown in studies to aid in the passage of food through the stomach, enhance indigestion, alleviate bloating, and relieve intestinal cramping. Ginger is often used to relieve nausea, and pregnant women who are looking for a natural and easy nausea treatment that is safe for both them and their baby often use it.

3. It has anti-carcinogenic effects

The anticancer properties of various types of ginger, ranging from a crude or partially distilled extract to gingerols, were studied. In cancers such as lymphoma, hepatoma, colorectal cancer, breast cancer, skin cancer, liver cancer, and bladder cancer, the efficacy of ginger in preventing or suppressing cancer growth has been studied. Antioxidant activity and the ability to induce apoptosis, decrease proliferation, trigger cell-cycle arrest, and suppress activator protein 1 (AP-1) and NF-B/COX-2 signaling pathways are among the mechanisms proposed to explain ginger’s anticancer properties.

Bode AM, Dong Z. The Amazing and Mighty Ginger. In: Benzie IFF, Wachtel-Galor S, editors. Herbal Medicine: Biomolecular and Clinical Aspects. 2nd edition. Boca Raton (FL): CRC Press/Taylor & Francis; 2011. Chapter 7. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK92775/

H. Guirguis EA. Comparative study of ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe) as raw and herbal tea: microbiological, mycotoxin, and phytochemical quality. J Med Sci Res [serial online] 2020 [cited 2021 Mar 28];3:12-7. Available from: https://www.jmsr.eg.net/text.asp?2020/3/1/12/286343


Matcha is a green tea powder made from ground leaves. Farmers cover the tea plants with shade cloths just before harvesting. This allows the plants to create more chlorophyll, resulting in softer, sweeter leaves with a brighter taste and smoother texture. Harvesters pluck pick leaves—only a few from each plant—and steam them to avoid the oxidation process after about three weeks of shading. The leaves can also turn a bright green color as a result of this.

The leaves are then dried. The leaves are stone-ground after the stems and veins have been cut. Tencha refers to the fine powder that you know as matcha. To keep the taste, store it in the refrigerator or in an airtight container for months.

Matcha’s advantages

People will be able to get the same benefits of green tea from matcha, and they may be even better, since matcha is a distilled type of green tea. The scientific evidence for green tree’s health benefits is powerful. However, it’s worth noting that many of the studies that have explicitly looked into matcha have been limited, suggesting the need for larger cohort studies.

1. Improving cognition and concentration

Tea contains the amino acid L-theanine. Eating foods and beverages high in L-theanine will help you relax and feel better. L-theanine can cause a state of relaxed alertness when combined with caffeine, another chemical contained in matcha tea.

2. Cancer prevention

Green tea contains catechins, a form of antioxidant with antitumor properties, especially epigallocatechin gallate (EGCg). EGCg can help prevent cancer by protecting cells from DNA damage and inhibiting tumor cell proliferation, according to the National Cancer Institute.

3. Form 2 diabetes prevention

According to one randomized clinical trial, consuming four cups of green tea a day resulted in substantial weight loss. Known expert on a variety of diabetes risk factors. Body weight, BMI, and systolic blood pressure were among the factors studied.

4. autoimmune uveitis relief

Green tea catechins can help alleviate symptoms of vision impairment in people with autoimmune uveitis, according to a 2019 study in miceTrusted Source. While further research into the effects of matcha tea on autoimmune uveitis in humans is needed, this study suggests that compounds in matcha tea may have a beneficial effect on this autoimmune disorder.

(2021). Retrieved 31 March 2021, from https://www.researchgate.net/publication/316751699_An_intervention_study_on_the_effect_of_matcha_tea_in_drink_and_snack_bar_formats_on_mood_and_cognitive_performance

Ba, & Social Distancing, Q. (2021). All About Matcha. Retrieved 31 March 2021, from https://www.webmd.com/food-recipes/ss/slideshow-all-about-matcha


The seeds of the Theobroma Cacao tree are used to produce cacao beans. It’s one of the most difficult foods to digest. Despite the fact that cacao is still shrouded in mystery, research has shown a slew of health benefits and neurocognitive impact. Cacao’s beneficial properties are particularly noticeable in pure cacao. Alkali (Dutch) processing, pressing cacao (to separate the butter and powder), and roasting at high temperatures all remove the beneficial compounds that make cacao so nutritious. This is why, learning from conventional use, we choose to process cacao as least as possible. This is better and has a stronger impact.

Cardiovascular Disease Effects

  • Cocoa, in both powdered and dark chocolate form, has been shown to help lower blood pressure. This phenomenon was first observed in Central American cocoa-drinking islanders, who had slightly lower blood pressure than their non-cocoa-drinking mainland relatives.
  • Nitric oxide, which relaxes and dilates the arteries and blood vessels and increases blood flow, is increased by flavanol-rich cocoa. Furthermore, cocoa has been found to lower “bad” LDL cholesterol, increase blood sugar levels, and minimize inflammation in a similar way to aspirin. Heart attack, heart failure, and stroke risk have all been attributed to these properties.

Insulin Tolerance Results

While excessive chocolate consumption is not good for blood sugar control, cocoa does have some anti-diabetic properties. Cocoa flavanols have been shown in test tubes to slow carbohydrate digestion and absorption in the intestine, increase insulin secretion, minimize inflammation, and promote sugar uptake from the blood into the muscle.

A higher consumption of flavanols, such as those found in cocoa, has been linked to a lower risk of type 2 diabetes in some studies. In addition, a study of human studies found that flavanol-rich dark chocolate or cocoa can enhance insulin sensitivity, blood sugar regulation, and inflammation in diabetics and non-diabetics.

Effects on immunity and Carcinogenesis

Cocoa has the highest concentration of flavanols per weight of any food, which can help you get more of them in your diet. Cocoa components have been shown in test tubes to have antioxidant properties, protect cells from reactive molecules, combat inflammation, inhibit cell growth, cause cancer cell death, and help prevent cancer cell spread. Flavanol-rich diets have been linked to a lower risk of cancer in humans, according to research. However, the evidence for cocoa is mixed, with some studies indicating no advantage and others indicating an increased risk.

The Central Nervous System’s Effects

  • Polyphenols, such as those found in cocoa, have been shown in many studies to boost brain function and blood flow, potentially lowering the risk of neurodegenerative diseases. Flavanols can cross the blood-brain barrier and play a role in the biochemical pathways that generate neurons and other brain-related molecules. Flavanols also affect the development of nitric oxide, which relaxes the muscles of your blood vessels, improving blood flow and blood supply to your muscles.
  • Cocoa’s effect on the brain can also boost mood and symptoms of depression, in addition to its beneficial effects on age-related mental degeneration. Cocoa’s flavanols, the conversion of tryptophan to the natural mood stabilizer serotonin, its caffeine content, or simply the sensory pleasure of eating chocolate can all contribute to its positive effects on mood.

Katz, D. L., Doughty, K., & Ali, A. (2011). Cocoa and chocolate in human health and disease. Antioxidants & redox signaling, 15(10), 2779–2811. https://doi.org/10.1089/ars.2010.3697

Crozier, S.J., Preston, A.G., Hurst, J.W. et al. Cacao seeds are a “Super Fruit”: A comparative analysis of various fruit powders and products. Chemistry Central Journal 5, 5 (2011). https://doi.org/10.1186/1752-153X-5-5

Rhodiola Rosea (Root)

Rhodiola is a Crassulaceae plant that grows in cold climates around the world. The perennial plant can be found up to 2280 meters above sea level. The same thick root produces many shoots. Shoots reach a height of 535 cm. Rhodiola rosea is dioecious, meaning the female and male plants are distinct. It is known as hóng jng tin in traditional Chinese medicine. It helps to lift one’s spirits and alleviate depression. It’s a Siberian plant that thrives in dry, cold arctic climates. Rhodiola rosea’s medicinal compounds are derived from the plant’s root and have been used to treat stress, anxiety, mental and physical exhaustion, and depression.

Rhodiola Root Extract Reduces Stress

In one study, 101 people with life and work-related stress were given rhodiola extract to see how it affected them. For four weeks, participants were given 400 mg per day. After only three days, it found major changes in stress symptoms including fatigue, exhaustion, and anxiety. These gains persisted during the analysis. Furthermore, it enhanced several associated factors, including stress and depression, in a survey of 118 people with stress-related burnout.

Rhodiola’s anti-cancer properties

The anticancer properties of salidroside, a potent component of rhodiola, have been studied. It has been shown in test tubes to prevent the growth of cancer cells in the bladder, colon, breast, and liver. As a result, scientists believe that rhodiola may be beneficial in the treatment of a variety of cancers. However, before human trials are possible, it is unclear if rhodiola will help treat cancer.

Rhodiola Will Help You Recover From Fatigue

The effects of stress-related fatigue on quality of life, fatigue, depression, and attention were investigated in a four-week study of 60 people with stress-related fatigue. Every day, the participants were given either 576 mg of rhodiola or a placebo tablet. In comparison to the placebo, rhodiola had a favorable impact on fatigue levels and focus.

Possible Side Effects of Rhodiola

Rhodiola rosea has a limited number of mild to moderate side effects. Headaches, stomach upset, drowsiness, dizziness, and trouble sleeping are all potential symptoms. Although there are no known risks associated with rhodiola rosea, the cultivation of herbs and supplements is not controlled by the US Food and Drug Administration. Most herbs and supplements haven’t been thoroughly checked, so there’s no way of knowing what’s in them or whether they’re secure.

Li, Y., Pham, V., Bui, M., Song, L., Wu, C., Walia, A., Uchio, E., Smith-Liu, F., & Zi, X. (2017). Rhodiola rosea L.: an herb with anti-stress, anti-aging, and immunostimulating properties for cancer chemoprevention. Current pharmacology reports, 3(6), 384–395. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40495-017-0106-1

Ba, & Social Distancing, Q. (2021). RHODIOLA: Overview, Uses, Side Effects, Precautions, Interactions, Dosing and Reviews. Retrieved 1 April 2021, from https://www.webmd.com/vitamins/ai/ingredientmono-883/rhodiola

Bacopa Monnieri

Bacopa monnieri, also known as brahmi, water hyssop, thyme-leaved gratiola, and herb of grace, is an Ayurvedic staple plant. It thrives in warm, tropical environments and is common in aquariums due to its ability to survive underwater. Bacopa monnieri has been used by Ayurvedic physicians for centuries for a number of ailments, including memory enhancement, anxiety reduction, and epilepsy care. Indeed, research indicates that, among other things, it can enhance brain function and reduce anxiety and stress.

  • It has the potential to reduce anxiety and stress

Bacopa monnieri has been shown to help with anxiety and stress. It’s classified as an adaptogenic herb, which means it boosts the body’s stress tolerance. According to research, Bacopa monnieri reduces stress and anxiety by improving mood and lowering cortisol levels, a hormone that is closely related to stress levels. Bacopa monnieri had anti-anxiety effects similar to lorazepam (benzodiazepine), a prescription drug used to relieve anxiety, according to one rat report.

  • Assist in the reduction of ADHD symptoms

Bacopa monnieri has been shown in studies to help alleviate the symptoms of ADHD. In one study, taking 225 mg of Bacopa monnieri extract daily for 6 months significantly decreased ADHD symptoms such as restlessness, weak self-control, inattention, and impulsivity in 85 percent of the children. While these results are encouraging, more large-scale research on Bacopa monnieri’s effects on ADHD are required before it can be prescribed as a treatment.

Calabrese, C., Gregory, W. L., Leo, M., Kraemer, D., Bone, K., & Oken, B. (2008). Effects of a standardized Bacopa monnieri extract on cognitive performance, anxiety, and depression in the elderly: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Journal of alternative and complementary medicine (New York, N.Y.), 14(6), 707–713. https://doi.org/10.1089/acm.2008.0018

Ba, & Social Distancing, Q. (2021). BACOPA: Overview, Uses, Side Effects, Precautions, Interactions, Dosing and Reviews. Retrieved 1 April 2021, from https://www.webmd.com/vitamins/ai/ingredientmono-761/bacopa


Lucuma is the fruit of the South American Pouteria lucuma tree. It has a stiff, green outer shell and smooth, yellow flesh with a dry texture and sweet taste that is often compared to a sweet potato and butterscotch combination. Lucuma, also known as “Inca gold,” has long been used as a common remedy in South America. It’s most widely available as a powder supplement and is touted for its many health benefits. Furthermore, because of its sweet flavor, it is used as a healthier substitute for table sugar and other popular sweeteners.


Lucuma is said to minimize inflammation, strengthen the immune system, lower blood pressure, and protect against some types of cancer in alternative medicine. Lucuma is also promoted as a diabetic-friendly low-glycemic alternative to sugar. Lucuma, unlike cane sugar, is low in sugar and does not induce the same spike in blood sugar levels, according to proponents. Whole lucuma fruit is usually dried at a low temperature and then ground into powder as a sugar substitute. Furthermore, when applied directly to the skin, oils extracted from the lucuma nut are said to facilitate wound healing and help in the treatment of skin disorders.


Despite its long history of use, only a few scientific studies have been conducted on lucuma. Some preliminary evidence, however, indicates that lucuma may have some health benefits.

  • Antioxidants are abundant in this substance.
  • Controlling blood sugar levels can be beneficial.
  • Polyphenols are plant compounds that have been shown to help prevent high blood pressure and heart disease.
  • Lucuma powder may be used in pies, cookies, and other sweets or baked goods to replace sugar.

Rojo, L. E., Villano, C. M., Joseph, G., Schmidt, B., Shulaev, V., Shuman, J. L., Lila, M. A., & Raskin, I. (2010). Wound-healing properties of nut oil from Pouteria lucuma. Journal of cosmetic dermatology, 9(3), 185–195. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1473-2165.2010.00509.x

(COVID-19), C., Health, E., Disease, H., Disease, L., Management, P., & Conditions, S. et al. (2021). Health Benefits of Lucuma. Retrieved 1 April 2021, from https://www.webmd.com/diet/health-benefits-lucuma#1

Gotu Kola Leaf

The perennial herb gotu kola is native to Asia. Because of its possible health benefits, gotu kola has been used in traditional medicine for many years. Some people claim that gotu kola can aid in wound healing, cognitive development, and blood pressure reduction. Despite the herb’s long history of use, only a few clinical trials have found gotu kola supplements to be beneficial to one’s health. Anecdotal evidence is probably what people who take these supplements rely on.

The following uses of gotu kola have been studied by researchers:

  • It can aid in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease

Gotu kola has the ability to improve memory and nerve function, making it a candidate for Alzheimer’s disease treatment. In reality, a 2012 study on mice discovered that gotu kola extract improved behavioral defects in Alzheimer’s disease mice. In lab and animal tests, the extract was also shown to have a minor protective effect against toxicity in brain cells. This can also protect the cells from forming the plaque that causes Alzheimer’s disease.

  • Antidepressant properties

The positive effects of gotu kola on brain function can make it an effective antidepressant. These results are backed by an analysis from 2016Trusted Source, which includes a study of 33 people with generalized anxiety disorder. For 60 days, the participants were allowed to take gotu kola instead of their antidepressant medication. They said they felt less stressed and depressed.

  • aid in the enhancement of cognitive function

The effects of gotu kola extract and folic acid in improving cognitive function after a stroke were compared in a small 2016 studyTrusted Source. This small study looked at the effects of taking 1,000 milligrams (mg) of gotu kola per day, 750 milligrams (mg) of gotu kola per day, and 3 milligrams (mg) of folic acid per day on three groups of people. While both gotu kola and folic acid were successful in improving overall cognition, gotu kola performed better in the memory domain.

  • Circulation will be improved, and swelling will be reduced

According to research from 2001Trusted Source, gotu kola can help with fluid retention, ankle swelling, and circulation issues associated with long-haul flights. Participants with mild-to-moderate superficial venous disease and varicose veins were instructed to take gotu kola for two days prior to flying, the day of flying, and the day after flying. Researchers discovered that those who took the supplement had substantially less fluid accumulation and swelling in their ankles than those who didn’t.

The therapeutic potential of this plant, in terms of efficacy and versatility, appears to be such that more in-depth research is needed. The growing number of herbal preparations on the market, including CA, has increased the risk of complications related to inappropriate use of these products or lack of medical supervision, as well as the possibility of drug and herb interactions when used together. Several recent cases reported to the Nutritional Adverse Event Surveillance System demonstrated the value of offering patient counseling on herbal preparation use.

Gohil, K. J., Patel, J. A., & Gajjar, A. K. (2010). Pharmacological Review on Centella asiatica: A Potential Herbal Cure-all. Indian journal of pharmaceutical sciences, 72(5), 546–556. https://doi.org/10.4103/0250-474X.78519

(2021). Retrieved 1 April 2021, from https://www.researchgate.net/publication/296706780_Medicinal_Property_of_Gotu_kola_Centella_asiatica_from_the_Selection_of_Traditional_Applications_to_the_Novel_Phytotherapy


Lemonade or iced tea is a favorite summer drink for all. Add a few leaves of mint, and the taste is unbeatable. But did you know that the peppermint plant is a hybrid or a cross bread between watermint and spearmint?

Watermint (Mentha aquatica) and spearmint (mentha spicata) belong to the mint family. They grow as herbaceous plants. Watermint grows near moisture and is native to Europe, northwest Africa, and southwest Asia. Spearmint is also called garden or common mint. It grows in Europe and southern temperate Asia.

Peppermint oil is an aromatic agent in toothpaste, mouthwashes, shampoos, and flavor and smell to culinary cuisines. The chemical ingredients of peppermint oil are 40.7% menthol and 23.4% menthone, besides other agents. It is the presence of these two ingredients that give the distinctive smell and flavor to peppermint.

Available as leaves (dry and fresh), the peppermint plant extract is also retailed as oil and encapsulated (enteric-coated) forms. Peppermint tea is a pet remedy for indigestion in Asian culture. In addition, the oil is used in chest rubs, creams, and tinctures.

Peppermint is used in traditional medicine for many of its health benefits. It is a known remedy for headaches, cold and flu, nausea, and some skin conditions. The plant is also suggested to alleviate the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome; however, its use is not recommended for people prescribed medicine for gastrointestinal complaints as it interacts with conventional drugs.

Since peppermint is a culinary item, its use in energy drinks is becoming common. The rule “less is more” is applied to its use since the oil has a strong sensory effect. Iced peppermint tea is a refreshing beverage to drink in the summer heat. Let us have an insight into some health benefits of peppermint;

  1. Improves energy levels

The word mint brings a calming effect, which is as valid as the effects of peppermint extract. So it is no surprise that peppermint is a popular ingredient in many household items, from food to balms to shampoos.

Peppermint oil is a much-loved ingredient of aromatherapy. Its calming benefits should not be confused with any sedative effects. A study showed that following a short aromatherapy session using peppermint oil, the study participants reported less daytime sleepiness.

In another study, participants were given a placebo and encapsulated capsules containing 50 µl and 100 µl of peppermint oil. High doses (100 µl) of the oil had stimulating effects on the participants who showed less mental fatigue and improved cognitive performance. They also showed improvement in their moods.

  1. Improves digestion

Owing to its calming effects on muscles, peppermint is used for indigestion. In addition, it is suggested that the oil components improve the bile flow through the intestine, thereby aiding digestion.

  1. Helps manage irritable bowel syndrome

Peppermint oil relaxes the smooth muscles, which helps alleviate irritable bowel syndrome characterized by gas, bloating, pain, and diarrhea.

A systematic review and meta-analysis included four trials comparing the effects of peppermint oil with placebo in 392 patients. It was shown that peppermint oil helps the pain of IBS caused by the smooth muscle spasms of the intestine.

The oil also alleviates the diarrheal cramps associated with the condition, as shown by another study. The active element of oil menthol contains monoterpene blocks the calcium channels of smooth muscles of the intestine, thereby delivering anti-spasmodic properties. Seventy-four patients were randomly given either peppermint oil or a placebo three times daily for six weeks. Their symptoms were assessed at three-week intervals during treatment and two weeks after the end of treatment. It was observed that abdominal pain was markedly improved in the peppermint oil group than the placebo group after six weeks of treatment.

  1. Relieves tension headaches and migraine

Topical application of diluted peppermint oil on the forehead helps ease tension headaches due to the oil’s ability to relax smooth muscles.

A randomized controlled trial tested different herbal preparations for relieving headaches. Out of 32, some were given a placebo, while others used peppermint and ethanol mixture. The group who used oil had significant improvement in their headaches as compared to the placebo group.

Another randomized controlled trial compared the effectiveness of topical peppermint oil and acetaminophen in 41 patients with headache complaints. The researchers found that a 10% peppermint oil preparation significantly reduced headache intensity after 15 minutes with no side effects. The oil benefits were comparable to acetaminophen.

  1. Acts as a decongestant

Because of its ability to increase blood flow, relax smooth muscles, and shrink the swollen membranes of the nose the peppermint oil is used as an effective decongestant. The menthol of peppermint oil is also an expectorant and helps loosen mucus and phlegm in respiratory infections. In one study, peppermint oil was the most potent antibacterial element of all ingredients present in a traditional oil remedy.

  1. Relieves chemotherapy-induced vomiting

Inhaling peppermint oil is found to be a cost-effective remedy for nausea and vomiting in a patient receiving chemotherapy.

A randomized, double-blind clinical trial studied the effects of peppermint oil application and compared it with placebo. A control group continued with their antiemetic regimen. It was observed that the number and intensity of nausea and vomiting events were significantly reduced pots-24 hours in the peppermint oil group. In addition, the participants reported no adverse effects.

  1. A tonic for skin repair and wound healing

Researchers have extracted the antimicrobial elements from the peppermint oil to use in capsules to promote healing and repair skin wounds. The extract was effective against one antibiotic-resistant bacterial strain.

  1. Acts as a food preservative

The antibacterial properties of peppermint oil make it a great addition to flavored energy drinks. In one study, the oil was found to prevent the growth of food-borne bacteria. The particular study used pineapple and mango juices containing virulent strains like E. coli, listeria, and salmonella.

This finding could be beneficial for energy drinks that may contain different fruit extracts and flavors.

  1. May help lose weight

The addition of peppermint oil to energy drinks can have its added upshots besides its refreshing flavor. Being a zero-calorie extract, the oil does not add to your caloric count, which can be an excellent feature for an energy drink.

Also, peppermint extract seems to reduce appetite when added to foods and beverages. For example, in a study involving 13 healthy people, reduced appetite was observed in the group taking a peppermint oil capsule compared to the placebo group.

  1. Freshens your breath

Mouthwashes containing peppermint are a way to freshen up breath. For example, in a study involving school girls suffering from halitosis, 43 students in one group received a peppermint mouth rinse, and 41 students of the other group received a placebo. The girls were asked to wash their mouths with 15-20 ml of the given solutions three times a week. After one week, the mouth rinse group had 23 students with no symptoms of halitosis, while 11 students in the placebo group were positive for halitosis.

The antibacterial properties of peppermint oil may also help kill germs responsible for plaque buildup on teeth.

  1. Relieves menstrual cramps

Peppermint extract has patent muscle relaxant properties. This was found helpful in women suffering from menstrual cramps. A study involving 127 with painful menstrual cramps was given peppermint oil capsules. The benefits of the oil capsules were found comparable to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs regarding the intensity and duration of the pain.

  1. Does not disturb sleep

What’s more? Peppermint oil is caffeine-free. So if you are taking an energy drink to last you few hours of work without disrupting your sleep, go for a peppermint-flavored energy drink.

  1. May help memory and improve focus

In a study, inhalation of peppermint oil improved memory, focus, and alertness, compared to ylang-ylang (a popular essential oil).

  1. May help seasonal allergies

rosmarinic acid, a chemical found in the plants of the mint family, is observed to relieve allergic symptoms like runny nose, itchy and watery eyes, and respiratory problems.

The amount of rosmarinic acid in peppermint to alleviate allergy symptoms is debatable, yet the oil does have its share of anti-allergy benefits, as shown by an animal study. The study involved rats induced with experimental allergic rhinitis. Oral administration of 50% EtOH extract of peppermint blocked histamine (inflammatory agent) release in the rat’s body.

Peppermint has the capability of stimulating an allergic response in susceptible individuals. The extract also interacts with certain drugs and may have other side effects.

Direct topical application is contraindicated for any condition.

Peppermint extract should not be used if you have diabetes as it increases the chances of low blood sugar levels. The extract is also contraindicated in patients suffering from gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). In such cases, consuming the extract may exacerbate the symptoms because of its ability to relax smooth muscles.

Peppermint should not be used in any form while taking the following drugs;

  • Cyclosporine (an anti-organ rejection drug)
  • Pepcid and other antacids
  • Medicine for diabetes
  • Medications for high blood pressure
  • All medicines metabolized by the liver


Rosemary is a culinary herb that is used in beauty products apart from its use in traditional medicine. It grows as an evergreen plant belonging to the mint family.

Often touted for its energy refurbishing upshots, rosemary is a favorite ingredient of tea and aromatherapy remedies.

The herb is an active research topic owing to its effects on cognitive performance. According to research, drinking water infused with rosemary improves memory and mental performance by up to 15%.

Rosemary is available as a fresh and dried herb, extract and oil. Let us look at some of its properties that make it a renowned ingredient of many recipes.

  1. Exhibits potent antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties

Rosemary is rich in phenolic compounds, namely rosmarinic acid and carnosic acid. These possess high antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity. That is why the herb is used as a preservative for perishable foods. This is an excellent attribute for an energy drink as well.

Rosemary has been a traditional ingredient for wound healing owing to its antimicrobial qualities. In addition, the active compounds in rosemary are found to be anti-cancerous and found to slow tumor growth, as per some research.

The antioxidant activity of the rosemary compounds is beneficial in warding off chronic diseases like heart ailments and diabetes.

  1. It helps manage blood sugar levels.

The active compounds of rosemary, carnosic acid and rosmarinic acid exert blood sugar-lowering effects just like insulin. In addition, they are also found to increase glucose absorption into the muscle cells, increasing their utilization, thereby lowering blood sugar levels.

  1. Exerts a protective effect on the brain

Rosemary exhibits a brain-protective effect, safeguarding the brain’s function as well as the brain cells. It prevents the death of brain cells and slows down the degenerative effects of aging. Rosemary extract also helps the recovery of brain cells affected by stroke.

  1. Improves mood

Rosemary extract used in aromatherapy has mood-boosting effects. Drinking tea has the same benefits. A study involved 20 healthy adults had its participants inhaling rosemary oi. It was shown that inhaling was linked to brain activity stimulation and improved mood. In addition, the participants’ physical performance and their blood pressure, heart rate, and breathing rate increased after inhaling the oil.

  1. Improves cognitive performance

A study in 66 industrial employees lasted two months in which the participants were made to consume two teaspoons (4 grams) of rosemary in 2/3 cup (150 ml) of water daily. The participants reported a less burnt out feeling at their jobs than a control group who drank nothing.

Another study involving 20 healthy young adults observed that simple inhalation of the rosemary extract a few minutes before a test improved the participants’ concentration, performance, and mood.

  1. Improves sleep patterns

Yet another study found that college students who took 500 mg of oral rosemary twice daily for one month had significant improvement in their anxiety levels. The extract consumption was also associated with improved memory and sleep quality compared to those who took a placebo.

As mentioned above, all of the benefits, improved cognitive performance, supporting brain functions, improved mood and sleep patterns, are some valuable points for alleviating stress and anxiety without any side effects as hangovers or jitters, etc. This makes rosemary a suitable ingredient for an energy drink.

  1. Supports eye health

Rosemary extract also supports eye health when used in combination with other oral treatments like zinc oxide. It not only slows down the age-related macular damage to the eyes but also slows the development of cataract in the eye lens, a leading cause of blindness.

  1. Supports gut health

Rosemary extract has been a traditional ingredient for indigestion. However, research shows that rosemary helps promote beneficial bacterial colonies in the gut.

This can be a beneficial attribute for an ingredient to be used in an energy drink.

  1. Supports heart health

The anti-inflammatory upshots of rosemary are patent. Owing to this attribute, rosemary extract is an active research topic as regards heart health. Research indicates that the herbal extract may have a role in reducing the risk of heart failure following a heart attack in an individual.

Rats were induced with myocardial infarction under experimental conditions. They were divided into six groups, each supplemented with rosemary extract in varying quantity. After three months, the rats were evaluated using different parameters. It was observed that supplementation with rosemary improved energy metabolism and decreased oxidative stress in heart tissue. In addition, a rosemary supplement in quantities of 0.02% improved diastolic function and reduced hypertrophy after a myocardial attack.

Though the research was done on animals, the results are encouraging and call for extensive research in human models.

  1. May aid weight loss

Energy drinks are often laden with sugar that create a temporary surge in energy levels but render the drink unhealthy for you.

Research shows that rosemary extract helps manage weight; in fact, it may help prevent weight gain. A study done on mice had some exciting results to show.

Mice were fed on a high-fat diet. The rosemary leaf extract was administered to the mice for 50 days at 20 or 200 mg/kg body weight. The aim was to check the weight gain and associated metabolic disorders in such mice. The body composition was evaluated at the beginning and end of the study. The body weight was monitored during the study. Glucose tolerance test, hepatic and fecal lipid contents were analyzed at the end of the study.

Researchers observed that treating the mice with 200 mg/kg body weight of the rosemary extract resulted in significant weight and fat mass reduction. In addition, there was an increase in lipid excretion via feces.

Researchers attributed the effects of rosemary to its inhibition of pancreatic lipase activity. In addition, the triglyceride levels in the liver of these mice were reduced by 39% with rosemary supplementation.

The results of the study are encouraging yet requiring more work.

  1. Supports hair and scalp health

Topical application of rosemary oil benefits scalp health. Though the results of animal research favors the topical application of the herbal extract, consuming the herbal tea may also have some intrinsic benefits yet to be discovered. More research is required.


A culinary staple and an age-old medicinal herb, thyme belongs to the same mint family as rosemary and peppermint. Thyme is also used as an ornament in many cultures. The flowers and leaves of the herb release oil.

Egyptians in ancient times used thyme extract as an embalming fluid. The ancient Greeks used thyme as incense in temples. They also added it to their bathwater. In contrast, the Romans used thyme in cheese processing and used to flavor cheese and alcoholic beverages. Hippocrates, “the father of Western medicine,” recommended thyme for respiratory conditions. In the 1340s, when the plague (the Black Death) attacked Europe, people wore poises made of thyme for protection from disease.

An extract can also be made out of the herb. Fresh and dried forms are used for many health benefits.

People use fresh leaves of thyme in teas and cooking. The leaves are placed between layers of linen and clothing to protect the fabric from insects owing to its insect-repellent properties.

Read on to have a sneak peek into the health benefits of thyme, which is stated as “generally recognized as safe for their intended use’ by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

  1. Antibacterial agent

Steeping thyme in alcohol for days to weeks releases its tincture, which has potent antibacterial effects. The remedy is so effective that it is touted as an anti-acne agent with benefits comparable to popular anti-acne ingredients as benzoyl peroxide.

Thyme contains thymol in high quantities (20-60%). Thymol is a naturally occurring biocide that can kill bacteria. According to one study, thymol extracted from thyme can reduce bacterial resistance to common drugs, including penicillin.

  1. Anti-inflammatory effects

A study confirmed the anti-inflammatory benefits of many essential oils, out of which thyme was a prominent ingredient. The different oils reduced the expression of the inflammatory COX-2 enzyme in the body to about 25%. While thyme had the most impressive results, reducing the pro-inflammatory enzyme by 75%.

  1. Anti-hypertensive effects

Thyme is used in culinary cuisines as a salt replacement. Observing this, researchers investigated its properties to check its blood pressure lowering effects.

A study on rats showed that the herb was associated with lower heart rates and lower blood pressure. The herb was also seen to decrease the bad cholesterol (LDL) levels in the mice. In addition, the aqueous methanolic extract of aerial parts of Thymus linearis Benth was seen to improve the good cholesterol (HDL) in the experiment.

  1. Cough suppressant

Thyme extract obtained from its leaves is seen to alleviate cough and other symptoms associated with acute bronchitis. Thyme is traditionally used as a tea for relieving cough symptoms in herbal medicine.

A double-blind placebo-controlled trial tested for the benefits of thyme extract in alleviating cough when used in conjunction with ivy leaf fluid extract.

The trial involved 361 outpatients with acute bronchitis with complaints of more than ten coughing fits during a day. The cough was associated with onset mucus production. An 11-day treatment with 5.4 ml three times daily of either thyme-ivy combination syrup or placebo syrup.

At the end of the study period, it was observed that the frequency of coughing fits was reduced to 68.7% and in less time in patients treated with the thyme-ivy combination. This was in stark contrast to the 47.6% reduction in presenting complaints with the placebo.

  1. A load-full of nutrients

Thyme is enriched with vitamin A, C, and minerals like copper, fiber, iron, and manganese.

This is great news for somebody looking to incorporate the herb in their energy drinks. It delivers a hefty amount of nutrients that enhance one’s immunity, a much-needed attribute for our health.

  1. Improves mood

Owing to its aromatic nature, thyme has significant mood-boosting effects when inhaled. In addition, it contains an active ingredient called carvacrol that imparts mood-elevating effects.

A study investigated these effects of carvacrol. Animals were introduced to carvacrol for seven consecutive days at a dose of 12.5 mg/kg p.o. The results showed that carvacrol influences the activity of neurons and acts as a brain-active molecule. It regulates and modulates the neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine in the brain. These two hormones (the happy hormones) have established a role in improving mood and energy levels.

The study concluded that regular consumption of thyme’s carvacrol in low amounts instilled feelings of well-being.

  1. Food preservative

Owing to its antibacterial attributes, thyme is one herb that acts to increase the shelf life of perishable items. The extracted oil from thyme is an excellent natural preservative of food, even in low amounts. In addition, it is effective against many food-borne bacterial responsible for causing disease in humans.

According to one study, thyme oil was found effective against resistant bacterial strains like staphylococcus, enterococcus, escherichia, and pseudomonas.

Thymol is used as a common preservative for meat. In addition, olive farmers often combine thymol into the oil to preserve olives in the Mediterranean.

  1. Anti-cancer agent

Some studies have advocated the effects of thyme extract as an anti-cancer agent. Though the topic requires extensive research, some studies have promising results to share.

One such study showed the benefits of thyme extract for colon cancer. Thyme extract containing dichloromethane and ethanol was tested against colon cancer cells. The study allowed the identification of nine compounds in thyme extract with combating power against cancer cells.

Another study showed that thyme extract was responsible for cell death in breast cancer cells. In addition, the extract was also shown to regulate gene-mediated events responsible for cancer initiation in breast cells.


L-theanine is an amino acid and was first discovered in 1949 as an ingredient of green tea. The amino acid is found in some plants and fungi. Black, white and green teas contain theanine in significant amounts. Tea plants, when grown in shades, increases the theanine content of the tea leaves.

The structure of theanine is similar to a natural neurotransmitter, glutamate. Theanine thereby can attach itself to glutamate receptors and mimics the actions of the glutamate (an excitatory neurotransmitter) in our body. Theanine increases serotonin, dopamine, GABA and glycine levels in the brain, known for their stress alleviating and mood-boosting effects.

The safe dosage for theanine is about 200–250 mg daily with a maximum dose of 1200 mg. This is because the amino acid crosses the blood-brain barrier and exhibits its effects directly on the brain.

Here are some health benefits of theanine, which is available as a dietary supplement in pills and tablet forms.

  1. Relieves stress and anxiety

Tea containing theanine induces a relaxing effect without causing drowsiness or jitters.

In a study, sixteen participants were given L-theanine, and another 19 were assigned as the control group who were given 100 ml of cool, potable water. The sixteen participants consumed L-theanine solution, which was prepared by dissolving 0.5 mg powdered L-theanine per kilogram bodyweight of a participant as tea infusion (total L-theanine 50mg/serving).

EEG activity of the participants was recorded at different intervals. It was shown by the EEG that there was an increase in the alpha-band activity of the participants who took the supplement. Thus, the study supports the role played by L-theanine in achieving a relaxed but alert mental state via directly influencing the central nervous system.

A review of five randomized controlled trials also supported the role of theanine in alleviating stress and anxiety in participants facing stressful events.

Another study linked the stress-relieving effects of theanine in schizophrenic patients. The dose of theanine given to these patients was 400 mg/d in addition to the ongoing antipsychotic treatment.

  1. Increases focus and lessen fatigue.

When given in combination with caffeine, theanine is shown to reduce the effects of fatigue in found adults in one study. In addition, the participants reported better focus while performing a demanding task. A dose of 97 mg L-theanine and 40 mg caffeine was used in the study.

  1. Boosts immunity

Green tea is rich in antioxidants which play an essential role in preserving our health status and immunity. In addition, theanine, since extracted from green tea, is also proposed to enhance immunity.

A review stated theanine as a functional food additive as the amino acid was shown to provide immunity against respiratory ailments.

Another study showed that taking theanine supplement decreases the incidence of upper respiratory tract infection symptoms via enhancing T lymphocyte function.

Yet another study done in elderly patients with low serum protein used supplementation theanine in 280 mg and cysteine in 700mg. Again, the results showed that the serum of these individuals exhibited enhanced primary antibody response to the influenza vaccine.

Another study established a link between the combined benefits of theanine and cysteine in improving inflammatory responses in the intestinal tract. Researchers found that co-treating gastrectomy patients with 280 mg of theanine and 700mg of cysteine benefited post-surgery inflammation. This particular study highlighted the potential use of l-theanine before surgeries to improve patients’ early recovery rates.

  1. May reduce the risk of cancer.

Drinking tea is linked to a low risk for cancer. In one particular study, women with ovarian cancer had a prolonged life span if they consumed green tea regularly. This is why theanine, present in tea, is proposed to cut back cancer risk.

L-theanine has drawn the focus of researchers because the amino acid has shown potential benefits against low sensitive tumors when used in conjunction with doxorubicin (DOX), a chemotherapeutic drug. The oral as well as intraperitoneal injections of l-theanine, is shown to increase the efficacy of DOX. In addition, an increase in the DOX concentrations in metastatic cells was observed with theanine supplementation.

  1. May help regulate blood pressure.

Stress is related to high blood pressure levels in some individuals. Theanine helps to regulate blood pressure in such individuals.

A double-blind, placebo-controlled trial analyzed the effects of l-theanine when combined with an amount of caffeine equivalent to one to two cups of tea. The amino acid counteracted the vasoconstrictive effects of caffeine. In the subject study, twelve habitual consumers and 12 non-habitual consumers of caffeine were involved. Each individual received 75 mg caffeine, 50 mg L-theanine, 75 mg caffeine plus 50 mg L-theanine, and a placebo.

Two other studies seconded the results shown in the above research. Blood pressure regulation was achieved when participants had l-theanine supplement in a dose of 200mg. In one study, the response was evaluated in a stressful situation. While in the other, theanine blocked 250 mg caffeine and a decrease in blood pressure resulted. Researchers attribute the vasodilation and blood pressure regulating benefits of l-theanine to its capability to increase nitric oxide production in arteries.

  1. Improves sleep

A review of literature states l-theanine as a supplement that aids sleep. This is possible due to its vasodilation effects that instill a state of relaxation.

A double-blind study analyzed the effects of L-theanine on 98 young boys aged 8 to 12 years old who presented with complaints of ADHD. One group of boys received 100mg of chewable tablets containing theanine, while the other group received a placebo. The dose was given four times a day, totaling 400mg of theanine in 24-hours. At the end of the trial period, about six weeks after, the theanine group had more restful sleep than the placebo group. This showed that the supplement was safe and effective to be used in children also.

  1. A functional food ingredient

L-theanine is touted as a functional food ingredient, something that benefits human health. In this regard, the amino acid has been incorporated in chewing gum, chocolate, beverage and tea, of course.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommends using theanine as a dietary supplement to be used in juices, non-herbal teas, sports drinks, speciality waters, chewing gum, mints and chocolate bars.

The entitlement of theanine as a functional food ingredient is owed to its stress-relieving effects without compromising cognitive performance.

  1. May aid in quitting smoking

L-theanine is investigated for its possible role in treating tobacco addiction. The amino acid has been used as part of cigarette filters.

In one study, participants used tobacco filters containing theanine. They showed a 56.5% decrease in cigarette use, while 31.7% of the subjects stopped smoking altogether. Researchers attributed this benefit to theanine’s role in blocking the nicotine receptors in the brain.


Noopept is one of the nootropics; synthetic substances improving one’s cognitive performance, focus, and intellectual performance. Nootropics are becoming popular among healthy people who want to achieve a competitive edge in their fields.

A brand name for N-phenylacetyl-L-prolylglycine ethyl ester, Noopept is also called a smart drug. It is an effective nootropic that works fast, unlike its counterparts, and requires a low dosage. For example, piracetam is also a nootropic, but its effective working requires a dosage of 4800mg. In contrast, only 10-30mg of noopept deliver the same benefits as piracetam.

The good thing about noopept is that it can be supplemented using oral and parenteral routes. This makes the smart drug different and unique from its counterparts.

Besides, noopept is linked to 1.8-fold fewer side-effects (20mg Noopept) relative to 1200mg piracetam, without compromising the health benefits.

Here are some health benefits that support its use in energy or specialty drinks.

  1. Protective effects on brain

Noopept is stated as catering to neuroprotective effects. These are observed to help people who have had a physical brain injury. The smart drug is also effective for oxidative stress injuries to the brain.

Noopept exerts antioxidant, anti-inflammatory effects and its ability to inhibit the neurotoxicity of excess calcium and glutamate in the brain. Noopept also improves the blood circulation of the brain.

Noopept increases the levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor, necessary for the growth of the brain cells.

In one animal study, rats were given noopept in a single dose and regular dose for 28 days. Though initially, the brain showed the levels of studied neurotrophic factors (BDNF and NGF) in the cerebral cortex below the control after a single administration of Noopept. However, with continued administration, there was a slight increase in BDNF expression.

  1. Improves cognitive performance in stroke patients

Owing to its ability to improve circulation and increasing the levels of neurotrophic factors in the brain, noopept is proposed to be used in patients with cerebral injuries.

In one such study, noopept was given to patients who suffered a stroke. Sixty patients were supplemented with noopept for twelve months. Their cognitive functions were assessed before and after the treatment. It was observed that a dose of 20mg of noopept was effective and safe in these patients.

  1. Improves memory

The animal study also showed that a dose of the animal’s 0.5mg/kg body weight improved the levels of neurotrophic factors in the brain. The latter effect is directly responsible for memory improvement, both short and long-term memory. Moreover, the benefit does not cause dose-dependency.

Experience-induced changes also drive our brain. These get converted into acquired behavioral changes, which are retained and merged for any subsequent recall of information in the future. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) has a patent role to play in all of this activity. This is true for its role in the central nervous system and the outward behavior with its environment; all attributes to good memory. And noopept has a definitive role in adjunction it all.

  1. Relieves anxiety

Noopept is observed to relieve anxiety and improve cognitive performance in both animal and human-based researches.

In animal-based research, 0.05 mg/kg dose of noopept introduced intraperitoneally had stress relieving and anxiolytic effects on the rats.

In a human-based study, researchers investigated 53 persons with cognitive disorders. Thirty-seven of the participants were affected with cerebral vascular damage, while 17 presented with post-traumatic injury.

The participants received two daily doses of 10mg noopept compared to the active control of piracetam (1200mg daily) over 56 days. The researchers observed general improvement on parameters checking the cerebral vascular damage. They also noted progress in half of the measured parameters of trauma.

The participants reported less fatigue, anxiety, irritability, and apathy in both groups. In addition, improvements in mood, sleep were seen in participants who had cognitive impairment originating from vascular damage.

Noopept was found to be more effective over 56 days treatment period in improving the MMSE score compared to its counterpart, piracetam.

  1. It helps symptoms of depression.

In rats stimulated with experimental helplessness, a dose of 0.05-0.1mg of injections of noopept was seen to relieve the effects. In human studies, the same study (described for anxiety relief) shows that a dose of 20mg of noopept for 56 days was linked to fewer depressive symptoms.

  1. Helps symptoms of Parkinsonism and Alzheimer’s disease

Parkinson’s disease is associated with Lewy body formation containing α-synuclein (α-Syn). This is in addition to the selective loss of dopaminergic neurons in the brain area called substantia nigra.

In one study, noopept interacted with toxic amyloid oligomers formed in Parkinson’s affected brain. It resulted in their prompt removal via conversion into larger fibrillar amyloid aggregates. In addition, shorter species induce necrotic cell death, while Noopept appears to cause more extended fibril formation. This process rescues the cytotoxic effect of amyloid oligomers on brain cells, thereby slowing the disease process.

In another animal study, mice were experimentally-induced Alzheimer’s disease (AD)-like symptoms including behavior, morphology, and biochemistry. In addition, the study analyzed spatial memory using the Morris water maze, besides other factors.

Noopept was administered at a dose of 0.01 mg/kg for 21 days and during a further five-day training period of the mice.

The results showed that supplementation with noopept restored spatial memory. In addition, the serum antibody levels increased against oligomers of Abeta peptide, an amyloid plaque constituent found in the brain of patients with Alzheimer’s.

In another animal study, the protective effects of noopept for improving cognitive abilities were studied. Experiments were done on adult Wistar rats. The arts were injected with beta-amyloid25-35 (2mcg) into the brain resulted in long-term memory deficit. Noopept was injected in a dose of 0.5mg/kg body weight as a preventive measure seven days before the amyloid injection. Researchers observed that prophylactic supplementation with noopept completely prevented symptoms of amnesia in the experimental rats.

  1. Caters to brain stimulatory effects

Nootropics are known for their stimulatory effects on the brain without causing hangovers or jittery after-effects. Noopept is shown to excite the brain neurons in a modulatory manner in a calcium-dependent way.

  1. Acts as an anti-inflammatory and immune-enhancing agent

Noopept is observed to increase the activity of macrophages in the body. In one animal study, the smart drug is seen to enhance cells’ immune response to various antigens in a dose of 0.5-10mg/kg body weight.

Noopept was seen to regulate the immune response in animals induced with secondary immune deficiency caused by cyclophosphamide.


Carnitine is a compound synthesized in the body by utilizing amino acids lysine and methionine. It plays a vital role in metabolizing fatty acids in the body. It is concentrated in skeletal muscles and cardiac muscles. Trace amounts are sloe present in the liver and blood.

L-carnitine transfers fatty acid in the mitochondria of these muscle cells, where the fatty acids are metabolized to produce energy. That is why athletes use the compound to improve their physical performance and shorten the recovery time of the muscles.

Carnitine exists in two forms; l-carnitine and D-carnitine. Both of them are active, but only the l-carnitine is beneficial in animals. The D-carnitine inhibits the activity of its counterpart and is thereby toxic.

Some other forms of carnitine include acetyl-l-carnitine, propionyl-l- carnitine, and l-carnitine l-tartrate. They are suggested for their specific health benefits.

L-carnitine is a nutrient that is present in ample amounts in animal products; meat and fish. Available as a dietary supplement, it is taken orally as well as intravenously. Here is what you need to know about its health benefits.

  1. May aid weight loss

Science-backed evidence is lacking when it comes to the weight loss benefits of l-carnitine. However, though the amino acid derivative plays a crucial role in fatty acid oxidation, its supplement should have a role in weight loss.

Only one analysis of nine studies done in obese persons, the supplement showed some weight-loss benefits warranting more research. The studies included overweight and older persons who tool l-carnitine lost an average of 1.3 kg more weight.

  1. Protects brain function

L-carnitine is shown to enhance brain performance. The health benefit is seen in patients who have Alzheimer’s and others belonging to the old age cohort. This effect was observed with the Acetyl levocarnitine hydrochloride type of supplement.

A double-blind, placebo-controlled pilot study involved 30 patients who suffered from mild to moderate dementia and probable Alzheimer’s disease. Their cognitive abilities were tested for memory, attention, language, visuospatial, and constructional abilities. In addition, levels of acetyl levocarnitine were measured in their cerebrospinal fluid.

Patients randomly received acetyl levocarnitine hydrochloride in a dose of 2.5 g/d for three months followed by three grams per day for three months or a placebo. After six months, the acetyl levocarnitine group showed remarkable improvements. The study stated that acetyl levocarnitine might retard the deterioration in some cognitive areas in patients with Alzheimer’s disease and called for more research.

In another double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized clinical trial, oral treatment with acetyl-L-carnitine in 130 patients (clinically diagnosed with Alzheimer’s) was studied. The treatment continued for one year, and evaluation was carried out with the help of 14 measures of functional and cognitive impairment. Participants in both groups suffered from progression in the disease, but the treated group showed a slower rate of deterioration in 13 of the 14 outcome measures.

The supplement was also studied for its cerebral benefits in aging adults. A study carried out on a double-blind basis involved 40 patients. They were divided into two groups of 20, with each group treated for 40 days with either L-acetylcarnitine or placebo. The dose of carnitine was two tablets of 500 mg tablets three times daily.

Cerebral parameters of the senile brain were at different times before, during, and after treatment. The study confirmed that short-term, intensive therapy with L-acetylcarnitine could significantly improve the primary mental parameters of the aging brain without any noticeable side effects.

The supplement is linked to improving age-related cognitive decline and improving the learning abilities with advanced age. Some studies also show that L-acetylcarnitine also helps prevent the brain cells from physical damage. In one such study conducted over 90-days, alcohol addicts took 2 grams of acetyl-L-carnitine per day. They reported significant improvements in all measures of brain function at the end of the study period.

  1. Improves insulin sensitivity and diabetes symptoms

Insulin insensitivity lies at the center of type II diabetes and complicates to involvement heart as well if left untreated. Acute infusion of l-acetylcarnitine was observed to improve insulin sensitivity in such patients. The subject pilot study also recommended oral supplements for these patients over 24 weeks in a dose of one gram taken twice daily.

In a study, patients with impaired fasting glucose or type 2 diabetes mellitus were selected and randomly given a low-calorie diet for ten days and the same dietetic regimen plus oral L-carnitine (2 g twice daily) supplementation. The oral glucose tolerance test improved in both groups. However, the group who took supplementation showed a significant decrease in plasma insulin levels.

Another study examined the effects of 14 days of oral supplementation with L-carnitine L-tartrate on blood glucose, insulin, and other blood glucose monitoring responses. Sixteen male participants were recruited, out of which eight were lean, and the rest eight were obese. At the end of the study period, the results showed that L-carnitine L-tartrate benefits the signs and symptoms of diabetes.

Another study analyzed the effects of l-carnitine supplements in preventing insulin resistance and gestational diabetes in pregnant women. Supplementation of 2 g/day resulted in a significant decrease in plasma levels of free fatty acids, a hallmark of insulin resistance and diabetes.

The ability of the l-carnitine to manage signs and symptoms of diabetes lies in its role of increasing an enzyme called AMPK, which improves the body’s ability to use carbohydrates efficiently.

  1. Benefits heart health

L-carnitine is shown to lower blood pressure, thereby benefiting heart health. The supplement is also observed to slow down the inflammatory processes resulting in heart disease and damage.

In one animal-based study induced with experimental hypertension (high blood pressure), supplementation with l-carnitine helped improve blood pressure. The therapy also reduced the inflammatory markers in this study.

L-carnitine also seems to improve severe heart disorders, such as coronary heart disease and chronic heart failure. The derivative propionyl-L-carnitine is touted for its role in lessening heart disease. The supplement does so by enhancing carbohydrate metabolism and decrease the intracellular buildup of toxic metabolites that often is the case with ischemic heart conditions.

A study done over 12 months observed a reduction in heart failure and deaths among participants who took L-carnitine supplements. Four hundred seventy-two patients received either placebo or L-carnitine within 24 h of onset of chest pain. The doe was selected at nine grams per day intravenously for the first five days, followed by six grams per day orally for the next 12 months. After discharge in the participants, the incidence of death and congestive heart failure was 14 (6%) in the L-carnitine group. This was in direct contrast to the 23 (9.6%) in the placebo group.

  1. Enhances exercise threshold

Though the evidence for l-carnitine in enhancing the physical performance of athletes is limiting and debatable, it cannot be ignored. Studies show that a larger dose supplement taken regularly for an extended duration may help improve physical performance.

L-carnitine helps in;

A study was included 26 candidates for professional football. Twelve participants were given 3 grams of L-carnitine, while the rest 14 were given 4 grams. Athletes began the exercise test at a running speed of 8 km per hour. Then, they continued at 10 km per hour. After that, the running speed was increased at 1km per hour every 3 minutes until the candidate quit the test. Heart rate, blood samples, and lactate concentration were the parameters checked. The results showed that 3 or 4 g of L-carnitine taken before physical exercise delayed exhaustion and improved the performance of the athletes.

Some similar results were shown by another study done on sixteen long-distance runners who took 2gms of oral L-carnitine during four weeks of training.

L-carnitine supplementation protects against pain and damage from eccentric muscle effort, a process that induces delayed muscle soreness and muscle damage. The condition is not responsive to some of the most common analgesics. L-carnitine benefits the muscles by vasodilatation, thereby improving the metabolism of the oxygen-drained, damaged muscle and removal of the waste metabolites.

  1. Improves anemia of hemodialysis

Some types of anemia originating from renal causes, as hemodialysis is resistant to treatment. L-carnitine supplementation in these patients improves the hematocrit levels.

In a study, fourteen patients on hemodialysis with inadequate response to erythropoietin were selected. They received oral L-carnitine in a dose of 500 mg/day for a 3-month trial period. 36% of the patients showed an increase of more than 2% in their hematocrit levels. Total iron-binding capacity increased while ferritin levels decreased. In addition, these patients also showed a comparable amount of carnitine in their red blood cells despite a deficiency of carnitine in serum.


Uridine is a part of RNA, the ribonucleic acid. RNA translates or decodes the genetic information stored in DNA to form different proteins, all playing a crucial role in the body. RNA uses the uridine part to translate the DNA code.

Uridine is formed when the nucleotide uracil binds to a ribose sugar. Uridine has a role in sugar metabolism in the body. It also functions to support the brain and cognitive functions.

Uridine monophosphate (UMP) or uridine is formed by the liver and released into the system. Let us have a look at some health benefits of uridine.

  1. Helps in memory and learning process

Uridine promotes the growth and production of new neuron cells in the brain. It also encourages the generation of new synapses. Its effect is particularly evident when uridine combines with nutrients like choline and DHA. Human studies need extensive research to prove these findings; however, animal studies are very promising.

The brain uses uridine to form CDP-choline and other phospholipids. CDP-choline is a known memory enhancer. In a study involving 17 healthy volunteers, consuming uridine supplements increased phosphoethanolamine (PEtn) levels in the brain. The participants took 2 grams of uridine or placebo. After one week, the uridine group had significantly increased total PME and PEtn levels; 6.32% and 7.17% for PME and PEtn, respectively. The study warrants further research to establish the effects of uridine in disorders with altered phospholipid metabolism (for example, bipolar disorder).

In some other studies, uridine monophosphate, when combined with choline and DHA, boosted cognitive function. In another study, uridine and DHA combined increased phospholipids and synaptic protein levels in the animals’ brains.

Uridine helps create appropriate settings required for increased neuronal plasticity and synapse formation. Uridine increased the number of synaptic proteins which the brain cells use to communicate. When these proteins are absent or low in amount, the synapses get damaged or eradicated.

In animal studies, uridine was linked to increased neurite growth, helping the brain cells grow and regenerate. These processes allow the brain to adapt, learn, and remember; necessary protocols for memory.

Uridine is also observed to increase the enhanced dendritic spines (the back of neurons) associated with memory storage.

Uridine is also observed to stimulate the P2Y2 receptor. This activation alongside nerve growth factor contributes to new brain cell development and repair of the damaged ones.

  1. It helps symptoms of depression.

In an animal study, rats, when introduced with uridine and omega-3 fatty acids, helped to relieve symptoms of depression. The effects are attributed to increased phospholipid metabolism and membrane fluidity caused by the oral supplementation of combined uridine and omega-3 fatty acids. The study also showed that less dose is required when the two are used in combination.

  1. It helps improve symptoms of bipolar disorder.

The metabolism of membrane phospholipids and mitochondrial function is compromised in brain diseases like bipolar disorder. Uridine is shown in studies to improve the mitochondrial function and phospholipid structure of the nerve membrane. In the first study, the participants received a fixed dose of uridine 500 mg twice daily for six weeks. While in the second, two grams of uridine were given as a supplement.

  1. Improves nerve pain

Uridine in combination with vitamins and minerals is shown to benefit nerve pain encountered in different conditions. These include neuropathy, carpal tunnel syndrome, and so on.

A combination of uridine, folic acid, and vitamin B12 benefited the pain intensity and area affected by peripheral neuropathy. Another study seconded the findings in the case of carpal tunnel syndrome in 48 people.

Another study backed the benefits of uridine when combined with vitamin B12 and cytidine with fewer side effects. The benefits of uridine against diabetic neuropathy pain are also documented.

  1. Improves lung function

Uridine is also effective when inhaled and is seen to improve lung function in patients with cystic fibrosis, primary ciliary dyskinesia, and chronic bronchitis. Uridine helps clear the mucus from the airways and lowers the inflammatory changes in the lung tissue.

  1. Helps manage HIV

Uridine supplementation helps patients with HIV in many ways. First, it preserves the body mass of patients treated with antiretroviral drug therapy. Second, long-term HIV treatment also damages the function of mitochondria, the powerhouse of the human cells. Uridine helps prevent damage to mitochondria, as shown by many studies.

  1. It may help you sleep better.

Uridine is observed to regulate sleep patterns in children.

In one study, thirty infants between the ages of 8-16 months with sleep disorders were selected. The infants’ sleep was reported to have at least three nocturnal waking episodes. The children were given a cereal fortified with 225 mg tryptophan, 5.3 mg adenosine-5′-P, and 6.3 mg uridine-5′-P per 100 g of product.

The cereal was called night-time ‘sleep facilitating cereal’. The study was conducted over five weeks. The activity was the time in bed, assumed sleep, actual sleep, sleep efficiency, sleep latency, immobility, and total activity.

Children who received the fortified cereal reported better sleep parameters than the placebo counterpart.

The same results are proposed in adults, but scientific evidence is lacking in this regard.


Tyros means cheese in the Greek language. Tyrosine is an amino acid found in abundance in cheese, hence the name. The amino acid is also produced in the body with the help of phenylalanine, another amino acid. Some of the best dietary sources of tyrosine include high-protein items like chicken, turkey, fish, dairy products, etc.

Tyrosine plays an important role in the body. It is involved in the synthesis of hormones, neurotransmitters as well as skin pigment melanin.

As the amino acid helps synthesize important neurotransmitters in the brain, it greatly enhances the brain functions like nerve cell communication. That is why it is a popular supplement to improve alertness, attention, and focus, and improve mood.

The Food and Drug Administration recognizes tyrosine as “generally recognized as safe” (GRAS). Therefore, supplementation at a dose of 68 mg per pound of body weight per day or 150 mg per kg body weight for up to three months is suggested. This equals a dose of 7–10 grams for a person weighing 150-pound or 68.2-kg.

Tyrosine supplement is available as tablets, capsules or pills. The dispensing formula is either free-form amino acid or N-acetyl L-tyrosine (NALT). The latter formulation is more water-soluble, but a very low amount of NALT gets converted into tyrosine. This means you require a higher dose of NALT if supplementing with that variety.

The common dose of tyrosine is 500 to 2,000 mg taken half-an-hour to an hour if taken for exercise purpose (its benefits on exercise performance remains inconclusive).

Here is a sneak peek at some of the science-backed health benefits of supplementing with tyrosine.

  1. A precursor to other substances

The dietary supplement tyrosine helps in the synthesis of;

  • Dopamine is also called the happy hormone; dopamine regulates the reward and pleasure centers in the brain. It also plays a role in the memory preservation and motor skills of an individual.
  • Adrenaline and noradrenaline; also called the fight-or-flight hormones that respond to stress stimuli.
  • Thyroid hormones; regulate metabolism and many other bodily functions.
  • Melanin; the coloring pigment that imparts color to skin, hair, and eyes.
  1. Improves cerebral performance

Everyday stress is part of our lives, but it has detrimental consequences on our memory and reasoning.

In one study, mice were exposed to a stressor (cold temperatures). As a result, they exhibited impaired memory response. However, when supplemented with tyrosine, the same animals showed improved memory, which was backed by an increase in the level of the neurotransmitter.

Some human studies have also revealed promising results in this regard. For example, a study involved 22 women supplemented with tyrosine. As a result, they exhibited improved working memory during a mentally demanding task. The dose of tyrosine was 2 grams.

Cognitive flexibility is also another way to measure cerebral performance. In another study, tyrosine complemented cognitive flexibility (the ability to switch between tasks) in 22 participants. This benefit is also seconded by another study in which the mental performance, alertness, and focus were extended with tyrosine supplements in sleep-deprived individuals.

Two other reviews showed that tyrosine could enhance mental decline and cognition when faced with short-term stressful situations.

However, the presence of a stressor is important for the effective working of tyrosine. The supplement did not show any benefits under normal circumstances.

  1. It may help symptoms of depression.

Depression is the result of imbalanced neurotransmitters and hormones. Since tyrosine helps improve the levels of important elements that improve mood, it is suggested that tyrosine supplementation may help patients with depressive symptoms.

However, the research results are mixed in this case.

A study involving 65 people with depression required the participants to receive either 100 mg/kg of tyrosine or 2.5 mg/kg of a common antidepressant. The participants also received a placebo each day. The treatment period lasted for four weeks. Supplementing with tyrosine showed no antidepressant effects in the participants.

On the other hand, people with depression with low dopamine levels, adrenaline, or noradrenaline benefit from supplementing with tyrosine. Low energy and lack of motivation indicate that a patient has depressive symptoms due to dopamine deficiency. Therefore, a study was conducted among such people.

The dose of tyrosine supplement used in the study was 3200mg per day given orally. The researchers observed improvement in the mood on the very first day of the treatment. Sleep pattern also improved throughout treatment, as shown by different parameters.

  1. It may help in patients with phenylketonuria.

A rare genetic disease, phenylketonuria is a condition that results from a defective gene. It results in the disordered function of the enzyme phenylalanine hydroxylase. This enzyme plays a crucial part in tyrosine production from phenylalanine.

When the enzyme is lacking, it causes the levels of phenylalanine to rise in the body. As a result, tyrosine starts to become deficient in the body, which gives rise to all kinds of behavioral disturbances in an individual.

Though the research work is tagged with mixed results and is still in infancy, tyrosine supplementation of these patients may help the situation.

In one review, researchers analyzed the effects of tyrosine supplementation with or without phenylalanine-restricted diet on cerebral performance parameters like intelligence and some other measures like growth, nutritional status, mortality rates, and quality of life.

The review investigated two studies, including 47 people, yet failed to find any difference in patients’ conditions while supplementing with tyrosine and a placebo.

Another review of three studies, including 56 people, also found no significant differences in the results.

  1. Tyrosine may help with adrenal fatigue or chronic fatigue syndrome.

Adrenal deficiency is a recognized medical disorder, while adrenal fatigue is not. However, some proponents of adrenal fatigue link the condition with symptoms like fatigue, body aches, digestive problems, nervousness, and trouble sleeping. These symptoms resemble the complaints of adrenal insufficiency, fatigue, and body ache, along with loss of weight and body hair, low blood pressure, and lightheadedness.

Adrenal fatigue may also be called a mild form of adrenal insufficiency induced by chronic stress. Though research is lacking, tyrosine is recommended for the situation since it benefits both adrenal and thyroid hormone production in cases of chronic stress.

  1. Tyrosine may benefit narcolepsy.

Narcolepsy is a sleep disorder characterized by a sudden urge to sleep. The proposed mechanism that lies at fault here is the deficiency of dopamine. Since tyrosine is a precursor of dopamine, supplementation with the amino acid may help. Research is warranted in this case.


Centrophenoxine is also known as meclofenoxate. The compound is used as a dietary supplement owing to its potential ability to boost memory.

Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter important to memory and learning. Centrophenoxine works similarly to acetylcholine to deliver cognitive benefits.

Centrophenoxine is available as an over-the-counter supplement dispensed in capsules with a dose ranging from 200–300 mg. most of the clinical trials for the effects of centrophenoxine on cognitive functions have employed daily doses of 1,200 mg in healthy elderly. While the dose was increased to 2000 mg while evaluating its effects in patients with dementia.

There is weak clinical evidence for the supplement’s effectiveness. Let us see what is stored in this supplement that may benefit our health.

  1. Improves cognitive function

There is some science-backed evidence for the boosting effects of Centrophenoxine on brain performance.

A measuring parameter is delayed free recall of memory. It means the consolidation of new information into long-term memory. There is only one study that sheds some detailed insight into the supplement’s effect on memory parameters.

A double-blind randomized control trial was conducted on 74 healthy elderly people. The study aimed to investigate the effects of centrophenoxine treatment on cognitive functions over nine months.

At the end of the study period, the group that received centrophenoxine performed significantly better than the placebo. However, this effect was seen as beneficial in improving delayed free recall while there was no effect on five other measures of memory tested. The participants also showed improved levels of alertness in this study.

Many studies have shown no benefits for taking a centrophenoxine supplement. However, animal studies have revealed some interesting and promising results that call for more research in this regard.

Centrophenoxine has anti-inflammatory effects. It also acts as an anti-oxidant. Studies have shown that the compound decreases the damage of proteins and lipids in the brain.

Some preclinical trials in animals have shown that the supplement improves the learning and memory processes in aged animals. Meclofenamate was administered in a dose of 50 mg/kg twice daily for 7 days in 22-months old rats. The memory was evaluated using the maze-training method. After 24 hours and seven days after the training, the rats showed an increased number of responses to the conditioned stimulus upon retention testing.

  1. It may help improve memory

In another animal study, oral administration of meclofenamate in a dose of 100mg per kilogram body weight reversed experimentally-induced amnesia in rats.

  1. Acts as a protective agent against brain-damaging toxins

In an animal study, the effects of centrophenoxine were investigated in aluminum-induced behavioral and biochemical alteration in rat brains. The results showed that the drug acts as a nootropic and protects against toxic stimuli.

  1. Improves brain performance after an ischemic attack

An animal study experimentally caused decreased perfusion of the brain by ligating the carotid arteries in rats. The animals were tested for brain performance via the Morris water maze. Brain chemistry was also analyzed with the help of specific tests.

Oral administration of centrophenoxine in a dose of 100 mg per kg of boy weight was administered once per day for 37 days. The supplement markedly improved memory impairment in the rats. There was also observed a cutback in antioxidant enzyme activities. The supplement decreased the levels of pro-inflammatory mediators back to their normal levels, thereby affecting physical neuronal damage.

The study suggests the possible role of centrophenoxine in dementia caused by cerebrovascular events like stroke. Further research in humans is warranted.

  1. May slow down age-associated cognitive decline

Centrophenoxine may help the damaging effects of aging as caused by reactive free radicals. According to research, the replacement of damaged cellular proteins requires a constant gene expression. The gene expression process slows down with advancing years.

In fact, the neurons in the brain suffer a gradual loss of passive potassium permeability of the cell membrane. It results in dehydration of the intracellular mass that continues to cause a slowing down of all enzyme functions including those that regulate the gene expression and the elimination of the damaged cellular components. This increase in the dry mass content of cells and tissues leads to aging.

Centrophenoxine has known nootropic effects. These are attributed to the free radical scavenger property of dimethylaminoethanol (DMAE). The DMAE is incorporated in the neuronal membranes of the brain in form of phosphatidyl-DMAE with the help of centrophenoxine. Thus the supplement can be suggested to impart protection against the age-dependent decline of the intracellular physicochemistry of cells, particularly the brain neurons.

In an animal study, three groups of senile guinea pigs were injected intramuscularly with 80 mg/kg, 50 mg/kg, or 30 mg/kg body weight of centrophenoxine up to 10 weeks. Neurons of the central nervous system exhibited a significant reduction of lipofuscin pigment (the wear-n-tear pigment linked to aging) in all animals. The same benefits were seen in the heart and liver tissue.

  1. May help Alzheimer’s dementia

A double-blind clinical trial involved 50 individuals (25 men, 25 women). They were all over the age of 60 with an average age of 77 years. All the participants suffered from dementia of medium level. The patients were first treated with a placebo for 2 weeks and their performance was recorded. The placebo treatment was followed by treatment with centrophenoxine for 8 at a dose of which was 2 grams per day.

At the end of the study period, 48% of the patients treated with centrophenoxine showed improvement in their test scores. Researchers implied that the supplement caters to benefits without any side effects thereby can be used for the treatment of dementia or its prevention.

In another double-blind, comparative, parallel, and randomized clinical trial two nootropics with anti-aging actions were evaluated. These included Meclofenoxate (centrophenoxine) and Antagonic-Stress. The study included sixty-three old persons with senile dementia of Alzheimer’s type (mild to moderate intensity). After three months, the benefits of Antagonic-Stress were significantly superior to using Meclofenoxate alone. Extended treatment with both the nootropic decreased the psychogeriatric scores, improved the cognitive performance including attention span, concentration, memory, performance IQ, full IQ.


L-valine is a branched-chain amino acid. It is an essential amino acid found in soy and its products, cheese, peanuts, mushrooms, whole grains, legumes as peas, beans, lentils, and some vegetables. Meat, poultry, and fish are also good sources of valine.

Valine is essential for optimal growth in infants and children due to its growth hormone production role. The amino acid contributes to nitrogen balance in adults.

Supplementing with valine should always be combined with isoleucine and leucine in a ratio of 2:1:2.

Here are some science-backed health benefits of l-valine;

  • Muscle growth and repair

It helps in muscle growth, tissue repair, and regeneration of muscle fibers.

  • Increases exercise endurance

BCAA supplements, including valine, improve exercise performance by reducing exercise fatigue and enhancing endurance.

According to a study involving 26 college-age males, researchers randomly assigned participants to take a BCAA supplement and a placebo. The participants exercised till exhaustion levels.

Supplementing with BCAAs reduced serotonin levels and markers of muscle damage as creatine kinase and lactate dehydrogenase. The supplement was also shown to improve energy metabolism in the participants.

The study also shows that the amino acid contributes to energy metabolism in the body.

  • Muscle health

A study conducted in 2009 shows that BCAA supplementation improves lean muscle mass and decreases the percentage of body fat.

Thirty-six strength-trained men participated in the subject study. All of them had undergone resistance training for at least two years. They were divided into two groups and assigned to receive a BCAA supplement containing valine or a placebo.

The study results confirmed lean muscle mass development and loss of total body fat in the supplement group.

  • Muscle damage

Researchers believe that BCAA supplements containing valine can reduce muscle damage during a high-intensity HIIT exercise.

A systematic review confirms the hypothesis.

Another small study shows that adult males who took a BCAA supplement during exercise had lower blood levels of markers of muscle damage than those who took a placebo.

  • Increases growth hormone production

L-valine is shown to increase the growth hormone and cortisol secretion after exercise. The health benefits are proved by scientific studies in animals as well as humans.

  • Supports cognitive health and performance

Branched-chain amino acids, including valine, are shown to improve glucose metabolism in the body, thereby benefiting sleep and overall brain health.

Research suggests that sleep-wake disorders result in changes in specific metabolic pathways, which may impact other psychiatric disorders and medical conditions.

These metabolic changes are mainly related to changes in branched-chain amino acids, glucose, and lipid metabolism. Studies show the relation between insomnia and such metabolic alterations. Similarly, cases of obstructive sleep apnea are linked to biomarkers of lipid metabolism.

An animal study concluded that supplementing with branched-chain amino acids contributes to brain health.

  • Weight loss

Branched-chain essential amino acids may be effective in stimulating fat loss.

A study conducted over eight weeks in 36 strength-trained men concluded that supplementing with 14 grams of branched-chain amino acids per day resulted in a significant decrease in body fat percentage.

  • Energy metabolism

Branched-chain amino acids like valine contribute to energy metabolism by increasing the uptake of glucose by muscles and preserving glycogen stores in the liver.

Many studies support the benefit. One such study demonstrated the effects of supplementing with leucine, isoleucine, and valine in an oral dose of 0.3 gram per kg body weight in normal rats.

Choline bitartrate

Choline is one of the essential nutrients required for optimal body functioning. It is produced in small amounts by the liver; the rest must be taken in diet or supplements.

Choline is neither a vitamin nor a mineral; however, it closely resembles the B group of vitamins and hence recognized as one of them.

Choline is present in a food additive, soy lecithin. Lecithin supplements also contain choline as phosphatidylcholine (about 10-20%). Choline as a phosphatidylcholine supplement is available in pill or powder form. However, the amount of choline in such supplements is only 13% of the supplement’s weight.

Choline is present as choline chloride, CDP-choline, alpha-GPC and betaine in various supplements. CDP-choline and alpha-GPC contain more choline per unit weight of any supplement besides being more easily absorbed by the body, making them a better choice for an energy drink ingredient.

  1. Helps fat metabolism

Phosphatidylcholine phosphate is required to remove cholesterol from your liver via its role in producing phosphatidylethanolamine N-methyltransferase (PEMT).

If choline is deficient, it may cause a build-up of fat and cholesterol in the liver, leading to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Animal studies second the hypothesis. Human studies also confirm that a diet deficient in choline results in liver damage and functional impairment.

  1. It helps improve exercise performance.

Studies have revealed that deficiency of choline causes an impaired physical performance. A study done on marathon participants prove the benefits of consuming lecithin supplements containing choline.

  1. Benefits heart health

Choline helps maintain heart health by helping convert homocysteine to methionine. Conditions causing choline deficiency result in an increased level of homocysteine in the blood, increasing the risk of stroke and other heart ailments. More research is required in this context, though.

  1. Role in brain functioning

Choline is an essential ingredient of neurotransmitters and thereby helps in the message relay function of the brain. This, in turn, is vital to regulate the memory, mood and intelligence of a person.

Choline supplementation in a dose of 1000 mg per day is seen to improve short- and long-term verbal memory in adults (50-85years) suffering from poor memory.

Choline benefits brain health by contributing to DNA production. The benefits of choline for memory are more pronounced in older adults, as per some studies.

Choline is involved in the synthesis of acetylcholine which plays a vital role in memory, muscle movement, and regulating heartbeat.

  1. Role in mental health

Choline contributes to mental health, as shown by many studies done on different aspects of mental and behavioral health.

An observational study showed that low choline levels are linked to a higher risk of anxiety in participants.

Choline supplements are often used as an adjunct to treat bipolar disorders because choline levels are low in people with mood disorders. A study proved that choline supplements improved the symptoms of mania in such patients.

  1. It cuts back cancer risk.

A deficiency of choline increases the risk of cancer in test-tube studies. Studies suggest that taking choline supplements decreases the risk of breast cancer in women.

On the other hand, a higher intake of choline is linked to an increased risk of prostate cancer in men and colon cancer in women. Study results are mixed, and more research is warranted


Rooibos is also known as red bush tea bush or red tea. It is different from green and black tea yet is fast becoming a beloved beverage worldwide due to its health benefits.

The tea is made from the leaves of the plant called Aspalathus linearis, which is prevalent on the western coast of South Africa.

The tea is enriched with antioxidants. A study involving fifteen participants who consumed rooibos tea showed that the blood levels of antioxidants increased by 2.9% in the case of red rooibos and 6.6% with green variety.

The best part is that the tea extract is caffeine-free, making it an ideal ingredient for an energy drink catering to people who do not want to consume caffeine in excess.

Green rooibos tea is a non-fermented version of red tea. It is more expensive than the fermented version owing to its high antioxidant content.

  1. Reduces Risk of Cancer

Antioxidants like Quercetin and Luteolin present in rooibos tea are shown to kill cancer cells in animal studies. Test tube studies on animals have shown some promising results in this regard.

  1. Boost Heart Health 

Rooibos tea contributes to heart health by reducing blood pressure and cholesterol levels in the body. The high antioxidant levels of rooibos tea are attributed to these benefits.

The tea extract is known to inhibit the angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE). ACE increases high blood pressure indirectly by contracting your blood vessels, and rooibos extract help to check these effects.

In another study, forty overweight adults with a high risk of heart disease consumed six cups of rooibos tea daily for six weeks, decreasing “bad” LDL cholesterol while boosting “good” HDL cholesterol. 

  1. Beneficial for Type 2 Diabetes

Animal studies suggest the antioxidants in rooibos tea can help in balancing blood sugar and improve insulin resistance.

Rooibos tea contains aspalathin antioxidants naturally, which according to studies, cater to antidiabetic effects. One study on mice with type 2 diabetes found that aspalathin balanced blood sugar levels and improved insulin resistance, proving that rooibos tea can be effective.

  1. Weight loss

The tea may help in weight loss. The benefit requires more research. A study showed that the weight loss effect of rooibos tea might be due to its enhancing effects on leptin, a hormone that regulates appetite. Rooibos extract is suggested to cut back the formation of new fat cells and enhance fat metabolism in the body.

  1. Other health benefits

Rooibos tea has some other health benefits, but they are not verified by scientific research. These include;

  • Rooibos tea is an herbal remedy for improving bone health; however, more research is required in this regard.
  • Rooibos tea is an herbal remedy for alleviating digestive problems like colic.
  • The tea extract may help sleep, ease allergic symptoms and headache; however, the evidence is anecdotal and requires more intensive research.


Phenylalanine is an essential amino acid that is the building block of protein. Being essential means, you must consume it via an outside source as the body cannot synthesize it.

Phenylalanine is categorized as ‘generally recognized as safe’ by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The supplement causes fewer or no side effects at doses of 23–45 mg per pound (50–100 mg per kg) of body weight.

Phenylalanine is widely used for depression, attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder, and skin conditions. There are three types of Phenylalanine;

  • L-phenylalanine is an essential amino acid, the natural form found in the protein found in foods we eat.
  • D-phenylalanine a complete mirror image of L-phenylalanine that is made in a laboratory.
  • DL-phenylalanine contains both D- and L- forms.

Plant and animal-based foods contain Phenylalanine naturally, and some of the best sources of Phenylalanine include fish, meat, cheese, eggs, and milk.

The amino acid contributes to forming many chemicals and proteins in the body that act as messengers and signal important communication to carry out bodily functions. Some of the examples of these proteins include;

  • Tyrosine; contributes to the formation of other essential body proteins.
  • Dopamine; the happy hormone associated with feelings of pleasure, memory formation, and learning skills.
  • Epinephrine and nor-epinephrine; these neurotransmitters are essential for the stress response (fight or flight mechanism).

Health Benefits of L-phenylalanine

  • Major Boost in Mood

Due to its significant role in the synthesis of dopamine, Phenylalanine is suggested to boost the mood and may have a role in relieving depression.

Dopamine balance is linked to enhanced confidence, improved mood, and hopeful attitude, and its deficit may contribute to fatigue, depression, and anxiety. In a small-scale study involving twelve participants, supplementing with D and L forms of Phenylalanine helped to relieve symptoms of depression in two-third of the participants.

Phenylalanine supplements help in all such cases. Phenylalanine has reported a significant decrease in symptoms of depression. In a study, 20 patients were given 200 mg of Phenylalanine; three weeks later, 12 patients said that their depression completely disappeared, other four patients experienced mild to moderate improvement in their depression.

  • Helps in ADHD

According to the American Psychiatric Association, ADHD affects roughly 8% of children and 2% of adults, with boys more at risk of this condition.

Doctors often prescribe Phenylalanine with other medications to help relieve the symptoms because people with ADHD have lower body levels of Phenylalanine. Having Phenylalanine with other medicines may help in buffering the symptoms of ADHD.

  • Vitiligo 

It is a condition where irregular depigmentation results in a patchy appearance on the skin.

Preliminary studies show that people suffering from vitiligo taking L-phenylalanine showed improvement in their skin tone. The supplementation of Phenylalanine is also shown to enhance the benefits of UV-radiation therapy for treating vitiligo.

  • Parkinson’s disease

A critical brain disorder that affects people over the age of 40, Parkinsonism affects the dopamine generating neurons in a particular area of the brain. 

Studies have shown that individuals suffering from Parkinsonism who took D-phenylalanine showed improvement in their symptoms.        

  • Other benefits

Phenylalanine helps manage pain, as per some animal studies. Studies in humans are mixed. While some studies show promising results, others state no significant alleviation of chronic pain in patients.      

Phenylalanine helps to manage alcohol withdrawal symptoms when used alongside other amino acids, as some studies show.    


Cysteine is a semi-essential amino acid. It is called semi-essential because our body can synthesize the amino acid with the help of Methionine and Serine. Its levels can fall low of methionine, and serine is deficient in our diets.  

High protein foods from animals and plants like chicken, turkey, yogurt, cheese, eggs, sunflower seeds, and legumes contain cysteine.

Cysteine is retailed as N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) as a supplement.

Here are some health benefits of n-acetyl cysteine.

  • Helps in fertility in both Men and Women

One of the most common causes of male infertility is oxidative stress. N-acetyl cysteine may help in combating oxidative stress and improving fertility in such individuals. 

In the study, thirty-five men were supplemented with n-acetyl cysteine in a dose of 600 mg per day for three months post-surgery for varicocele. The NAC supplement improved semen and partner pregnancy rate by 22%. after surgery.

Researches show that combining supplements for surgery should be considered as a treatment option.

  • Reduces Heart Disease Risk

Oxidative damage to heart tissues culminates in heart diseases such as strokes and heart attacks.

NAC reduces oxidative damage to the tissues, which results in decreasing the chance of heart diseases. It has been shown that supplementing with NAC causes the veins to dilate due to increased nitric oxide production.

Some studies suggest that when NAC and green tea extract combined help reduce damage from LDL (bad cholesterol).

  • Improvement in Psychiatric Disorder and Addictive Behavior

Glutamate is the most crucial neurotransmitter for a normal functioning brain. However, excess glutamate with low glutathione levels can damage the brain, which may cause many mental illnesses such as schizophrenia, bipolar, addictive behavior, and obsessive-compulsive disorder.

NAC significantly minimizes the adverse effects of schizophrenia, including social withdrawal, apathy, and reduced attention span.

Researches have shown that people with depression and bipolar disease symptoms decrease by having NAC. In addition, the supplement may also stabilize the OCD symptoms.

NAC supplements have also helped cocaine addicts and prevent them from relapsing.

  • Stabilize Blood Sugar

High blood sugar can cause inflammation to fat tissues, putting one at increased risk of type 2 diabetes. Studies show that Insulin resistance is improved by consuming NAC. The supplement stabilizes blood sugar levels and cuts back obesity which decreases inflammation in fat cells.

  • Helps to prevent Liver and Kidney Damage

An overdose of acetaminophen is treated with intravenous infusion of n-acetyl cysteine. The supplement is usually prescribed owing to its ability to prevent liver and kidney damage.

Cysteine helps in the body’s detoxification process besides its benefits of being an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent.  

  • Provide Powerful Antioxidant Glutathione

Glutathione is a vital antioxidant for the body. It helps eliminate the free radicals that can damage the cells’ tissues and lower the risk of heart disease, infertility, and other psychiatric disorders.

The health benefits of cysteine in this regard have led researchers to believe that amino acids may contribute to longevity. Cysteine helps in the formation of glutathione with the help of glutamine and glycine.

  • Improve Immune System

Regular intake of NAC also shown improvements and restoration of the immune system. The supplement’s benefits are studied for individuals who have HIV. NAC supplementation is shown to completely restore the levels of natural killer cells in such patients.

According to a test-tube study, supplementing with NAC absolves the flu virus of its replicative ability. This effect is also observed in cancer cells replication.

  • Relieve Symptoms of Respiratory Conditions

NAC acts as an antioxidant and expectorant and helps to manage the symptoms of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The antioxidant benefit of n-acetyl cysteine improves glutathione levels in the lungs, thereby reducing inflammation in lung tissue.

The supplement improves COPD symptoms, recurrence, and lung damage in the long run. The supplement causes thinning of mucus in lung tissues besides boosting glutathione levels. This helps decrease the severity and frequency of wheezing, coughing, and respiratory attacks in such patients.

NAC may have a role in other lung conditions like cystic fibrosis, asthma, pulmonary fibrosis, allergies, and infections.

  • Boosts Brain Health

NAC replenishes glutathione and regulates brain glutamate levels. This has a potent effect on improving brain health and functioning. Glutamate is involved in learning, behavior, and memory, while glutathione helps reduce age-related oxidative damage to brain cells.

Alzheimer’s disease is associated with slowing down of learning ability and memory capacity. Some animal studies have confirmed the benefits of the supplement in this regard.

Parkinson’s disease is marked by damage to the cells that synthesize the neurotransmitter dopamine due to oxidative damage and decreased antioxidant ability. NAC supplements are seen to improve dopamine function and symptoms of Parkinsonism, such as tremors.


Tyrosine is a dietary supplement often taken by people who lack focus, attention, and staying alert. It can produce specific brain chemicals that help brain nerves to communicate and stabilize the mood.

Some of these chemicals include;

  • Thyroid hormones; responsible for regulating metabolism
  • Adrenaline and nor-adrenaline; respond to stress triggers
  • Dopamine; helps in the learning process, memory, and mood stabilization
  • Melanin; responsible for pigment production in hair, eyes, and skin

By affecting the output of all the chemicals mentioned above, Tyrosine contributes its share to different body processes.

Tyrosine is retailed as an individual supplement or blended with other amino acids or supplements, such as exercise and sports supplements.

Tyrosine is regarded as ‘generally recognized as safe (GRAS) by the Food and Drug Administration. A dose of 68mg per pound or 150 mg per kilogram of body weight is proven safe to be taken as a supplement. The general duration of supplementation of Tyrosine is about three months.

Tyro means “cheese” in Greek. Tyrosine is naturally found in chicken, cheese, eggs, fish, and dairy products.

Benefits of Tyrosine 

Improves Mental Performance in Stress

Stress can negatively impact your brain regarding focus, attention span and may even instigate a panic attack.

An experiment on rodents exposed the animals to a cold environment resulting in stress induction and memory loss. Tyrosine supplementation in these animals helped improve performance under stressful conditions, as shown by study results.

Tyrosine supplement is observed to enhance working memory and increase cognitive flexibility, according to some research results.  

Supplements with Tyrosine also helped patients who had sleep deprivation by improving their total sleep duration. While it helps mental function, there is no evidence that the supplement benefits the physical performance of the human body

Tyrosine supplementation is also seen to reverse mental decline and improve cognition in the short-term under either stressful or mentally demanding situations.

Might Help With Phenylketonuria 

Phenylketonuria (PKU) is a rare disorder that causes the build-up of amino acid, Phenylalanine in the blood. The body lacks the enzyme that converts the amino acid phenylalanine into Tyrosine resulting in behavioral disturbances. Supplementing such patients with Tyrosine helps overcome the symptoms.

Researchers investigated that if Tyrosine affected people with PKU or not. They give Tyrosine to some, alongside kept others on a strict diet not containing Phenylalanine.

The researchers analyzed the effects of tyrosine supplementation in 47 people, and the results showed no significant difference in symptoms after taking Tyrosine.

Similarly, they reviewed three studies with 56 people, yet there wasn’t any significant difference. The topic requires more research, but the hypothesis should work in such patients.

 May Help in Depression

Tyrosine is helpful in depression as it works similarly to antidepressant drugs in balancing neurotransmitters. Since Tyrosine is claimed to increase the production of the neurotransmitter dopamine and others, it can work as an antidepressant.

In fact, one study showed that people with depression and suffering from dopamine-deficient conditions benefited from supplementing with Tyrosine.

More research is required in this regard.   


Inositol is a natural chemical, also referred to as vitamin B8, found in grains, fruits, beans and nuts. However, it is not a vitamin as the body can synthesize inositol from carbohydrates.

Inositol contributes to the major component of cell membranes besides adjuncting the effects of insulin in the body. The chemical is also known to influence the serotonin and dopamine levels in the brain, one of the important neurotransmitters.

As a supplement, inositol is required in higher amounts than the dietary dose of one gram in a typical American diet. Doses up to 18 grams per day caters to health benefits with fewer side effects.

Here is a look at some of the health benefits of inositol.

  • Benefits for brain function

Research has shown that people with depression, anxiety, and compulsive disorders have low brain levels of inositol, which contributes to decreased serotonin and dopamine levels in the brain. The latter is responsible for improved and balanced moods in humans.

Studies reveal that supplementing with inositol may help to manage mental health states with fewer side effects.

A small scale study indicated that taking inositol in a dose of 18 grams daily for six weeks may reduce symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder.

  • Helps manage panic disorder

Panic disorder, a severe state of anxiety, is marked by sudden attacks of intense fear (rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, dizziness, sweating and a tingling sensation in the hands). Research indicates the positive role of inositol supplementation in decreasing the severity and frequency of such panic attacks.

A study involving twenty participants with panic disorder supplemented 18 grams of inositol or a common anxiety medication every day for one month. The inositol group had fewer attacks of panic attacks per week as compared to the control group.

Another study conducted over four weeks concluded that a dose of 12 grams of inositol per day could cut down the frequency and severity of panic attacks in the participants.

  • Helps alleviate depression

Research has mixed results yet encouraging to use of inositol for depression. Earlier studies reveal that supplementing with 12 grams of inositol every day for four weeks improved the symptoms of depression in the participants. More recent studies show otherwise.

  • Improves bipolar disorder

Though research is limited yet the results of preliminary studies are promising.

A small study done in children with bipolar disorders showed that a supplement combination of inositol (2 grams) and omega-3 fatty acids (3 grams) reduced symptoms of mania and depression when taken regularly for twelve weeks.

Inositol is also helpful in managing the side effects of medicine for bipolar disorder. A study revealed that 3–6 grams of inositol taken daily might help reduce symptoms of psoriasis, a side effect of lithium, medication for bipolar disorder.

  • Helps cut back the risk of metabolic syndrome

Metabolic syndrome umbrellas are conditions that increase the risk of chronic diseases like heart disease and type II diabetes. Clinical evidence shows the effectiveness of inositol supplementation for reducing the risk of metabolic syndrome.

A clinical study that concluded in one year involving 80 women with metabolic syndrome, supplementing with 2 grams of inositol twice daily reduced blood triglyceride levels by an average of 34% and total cholesterol by 22%. There were improvements seen in blood pressure levels and blood sugar as well. About 20% of the women benefited because they no longer met the merit to be labelled with metabolic syndrome by the end of one year.

The blood sugar-lowering effects are also seen as beneficial in cases of gestational diabetes. A study result concluded that a combination of 4 grams of Myo-inositol and 400 mcg of folic acid during pregnancy might prevent gestational diabetes in high-risk women.

Dame bitartrate

Often referred to as Deanol, dimethylaminoethanol, dimethylethanolamine, DMAE bitartrate is a chemical naturally present in fatty fish like sardines, anchovies, and salmon. The body also produces the chemical.

DMAE tartrate caters to many functions via synthesizing neurotransmitter acetylcholine. Hence it plays a role in maintaining the brain and its associated functions like maintaining mood, preserving memory, regulating REM sleep, muscle health, pain response, etc.

DMAE is retailed as a skin serum, powdered supplement, or encapsulated formulation. The supplement was once sold as a drug for managing learning and behavioral problems owing to its brain benefits.

There is not much enough supportive research for DMAE benefits.

The supplement is contraindicated in people who have bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, or epilepsy.

Certain drug interactions are observed using this supplement, like anticholinergic, cholinergic, acetylcholinesterase inhibitors, and anticoagulants.

The use of this supplement is also contraindicated in breastfeeding women.

Here is what you need to more about its benefits.

  • May support memory

Advocates of the supplement state that the supplement may help preserve memory in Alzheimer’s and age-related dementia patients. DMAE is observed to decrease the amyloid plaque formation in the brain, which is related to memory decline in patients with Alzheimer’s. However, more research is required.

  • Enhance physical endurance

DMAE may improve athletic performance when used in combination with other minerals and vitamins.

  • Cut back on hyperactive behavior.

DMAE has a history of clinical use in children with the hyperactive disorder. The supplement was used to calm children, support school performance, and improve their focus. However, no recent research is done in this regard.

  • Improves mood

DMAE supplement is popularly used for improving motivation and initiative ability in individuals. A small-scale study concluded that supplementing with DMAE helps manage depression, irritability, and anxiety in the elderly cohort. The acetylcholine enhancing benefits of DMAE are attributed to this health benefit.


L-theanine is an amino acid and was first discovered in 1949 as an ingredient of green tea. The amino acid is found in some plants and fungi. Black, white and green teas contain theanine in significant amounts. Tea plants, when grown in shades, increases the theanine content of the tea leaves.

The structure of theanine is similar to a natural neurotransmitter, glutamate. Theanine thereby can attach itself to glutamate receptors and mimics the actions of the glutamate (an excitatory neurotransmitter) in our body. Theanine increases serotonin, dopamine, GABA and glycine levels in the brain, known for their stress alleviating and mood-boosting effects.

The safe dosage for theanine is about 200–250 mg daily with a maximum dose of 1200 mg. This is because the amino acid crosses the blood-brain barrier and exhibits its effects directly on the brain.

Here are some health benefits of theanine, which is available as a dietary supplement in pills and tablet forms.

  • Relieves stress and anxiety

Tea containing theanine induces a relaxing effect without causing drowsiness or jitters.

In a study, sixteen participants were given L-theanine, and another 19 were assigned as the control group who were given 100 ml of cool, potable water. The sixteen participants consumed L-theanine solution, which was prepared by dissolving 0.5 mg powdered L-theanine per kilogram bodyweight of a participant as tea infusion (total L-theanine 50mg/serving).

EEG activity of the participants was recorded at different intervals. It was shown by the EEG that there was an increase in the alpha-band activity of the participants who took the supplement. Thus, the study supports the role played by L-theanine in achieving a relaxed but alert mental state via directly influencing the central nervous system.

A review of five randomized controlled trials also supported the role of theanine in alleviating stress and anxiety in participants facing stressful events.

Another study linked the stress-relieving effects of theanine in schizophrenic patients. The dose of theanine given to these patients was 400 mg/d in addition to the ongoing antipsychotic treatment.

  • Increases focus and lessen fatigue.

When given in combination with caffeine, theanine is shown to reduce the effects of fatigue in found adults in one study. In addition, the participants reported better focus while performing a demanding task. A dose of 97 mg L-theanine and 40 mg caffeine was used in the study.

  • Boosts immunity

Green tea is rich in antioxidants which play an essential role in preserving our health status and immunity. In addition, theanine, since extracted from green tea, is also proposed to enhance immunity.

A review stated theanine as a functional food additive as the amino acid was shown to provide immunity against respiratory ailments.

Another study showed that taking theanine supplement decreases the incidence of upper respiratory tract infection symptoms via enhancing T lymphocyte function.

Yet another study done in elderly patients with low serum protein used supplementation theanine in 280 mg and cysteine in 700mg. Again, the results showed that the serum of these individuals exhibited enhanced primary antibody response to the influenza vaccine.

Another study established a link between the combined benefits of theanine and cysteine in improving inflammatory responses in the intestinal tract. Researchers found that co-treating gastrectomy patients with 280 mg of theanine and 700mg of cysteine benefited post-surgery inflammation. This particular study highlighted the potential use of l-theanine before surgeries to improve patients’ early recovery rates.

  • May reduce the risk of cancer.

Drinking tea is linked to a low risk for cancer. In one particular study, women with ovarian cancer had a prolonged life span if they consumed green tea regularly. This is why theanine, present in tea, is proposed to cut back cancer risk.

L-theanine has drawn the focus of researchers because the amino acid has shown potential benefits against low sensitive tumors when used in conjunction with doxorubicin (DOX), a chemotherapeutic drug. The oral as well as intraperitoneal injections of l-theanine, is shown to increase the efficacy of DOX. In addition, an increase in the DOX concentrations in metastatic cells was observed with theanine supplementation.

  • May help regulate blood pressure.

Stress is related to high blood pressure levels in some individuals. Theanine helps to regulate blood pressure in such individuals.

A double-blind, placebo-controlled trial analyzed the effects of l-theanine when combined with an amount of caffeine equivalent to one to two cups of tea. The amino acid counteracted the vasoconstrictive effects of caffeine. In the subject study, twelve habitual consumers and 12 non-habitual consumers of caffeine were involved. Each individual received 75 mg caffeine, 50 mg L-theanine, 75 mg caffeine plus 50 mg L-theanine, and a placebo.

Two other studies seconded the results shown in the above research. Blood pressure regulation was achieved when participants had l-theanine supplement in a dose of 200mg. In one study, the response was evaluated in a stressful situation. While in the other, theanine blocked 250 mg caffeine and a decrease in blood pressure resulted. Researchers attribute the vasodilation and blood pressure regulating benefits of l-theanine to its capability to increase nitric oxide production in arteries.

  • Improves sleep

A review of literature states l-theanine as a supplement that aids sleep. This is possible due to its vasodilation effects that instil a state of relaxation.

A double-blind study analyzed the effects of L-theanine on 98 young boys aged 8 to 12 years old who presented with complaints of ADHD. One group of boys received 100mg of chewable tablets containing theanine, while the other group received a placebo. The dose was given four times a day, totalling 400mg of theanine in 24-hours. At the end of the trial period, about six weeks after, the theanine group had more restful sleep than the placebo group. This showed that the supplement was safe and effective to be used in children also.

  • A functional food ingredient

L-theanine is touted as a functional food ingredient, something that benefits human health. In this regard, the amino acid has been incorporated in chewing gum, chocolate, beverage and tea, of course.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommends using theanine as a dietary supplement to be used in juices, non-herbal teas, sports drinks, specialty waters, chewing gum, mints and chocolate bars.

The entitlement of theanine as a functional food ingredient is owed to its stress-relieving effects without compromising cognitive performance.

  • May aid in quitting smoking

L-theanine is investigated for its possible role in treating tobacco addiction. The amino acid has been used as part of cigarette filters.

In one study, participants used tobacco filters containing theanine. They showed a 56.5% decrease in cigarette use, while 31.7% of the subjects stopped smoking altogether. Researchers attributed this benefit to theanine’s role in blocking the nicotine receptors in the brain.

Huperzine A

Huperzine A is a dietary supplement synthetically derived and made from Chinese club moss Huperzia Serrata. Though derived from a plant, the extract is categorized as a purified drug, unlike herbal derivatives, containing numerous chemicals in its ingredient makeup.

Huperzine A is a supplement suggested for improving memory and cognitive performance in older adults. Besides improving memory and learning enhancement, the derivative is an active research topic for Alzheimer’s disease.

It is also used to treat muscle diseases such as myasthenia gravis and its benefits for refurbishing energy and enhancing alertness. This is attributed to its cholinesterase inhibiting effects, an enzyme that prevents the breakdown of acetylcholine. Acetylcholine is an important neurotransmitter and functions to relay messages, thereby contributing to different bodily functions.

Huperzine A, also called selagine, is often compared or confused with similar-sounding medication like selegiline. However, it is different from chemical drugs.

  1. Huperzine A and Alzheimer’s disease 

Huperzine A is advocated for use in patients with Alzheimer’s disease. A 2013 research showed the benefits of huperzine A for Alzheimer’s disease. Huperzine A adjuncts the functions of other medications for Alzheimer’s disease and may increase the overall effect. 

In a study conducted in 2008, researchers evaluated different trials for huperzine A to find the benefits for Alzheimer’s disease. The research concluded that huperzine A was more effective than placebo considering its effects on cognitive disease.

2. Memory Enhancement

A study done in 1999 showed that huperzine A effectively improves the memory and learning of different students.

For the study, 68 junior high students who complained about their memory disabilities were given huperzine A and a placebo every day for four weeks. By the end of the students’ exams, Huperzine A showed a significant improvement in their memory, mental function, and behavior compared to the students who were taking other medications.

More research has shown that oral huperzine A supplementation for 12 weeks also improves memory in adults with mild mental impairment. However, children and teenagers can take the drug for four weeks only to enhance their mental credibility.

  1. Myasthenia Gravis

Researches show that huperzine A may help manage symptoms of Myasthenia Gravis. It shows that taking huperzine A for ten days may prevent muscular weakness in patients with myasthenia gravis. The supplement may have a more lasting effect than intramuscular neostigmine administration for the muscular condition.

  1. Dementia

Some pieces of research suggest that supplementing with huperzine A for up to 8 weeks may improve memory, mental function, and behavior in elderly suffering from Alzheimer’s disease or dementia. Long-term benefits need more research.

  1. Neuroprotective effects

Huperzine A is suggested to have neuroprotective effects by acting as a potent, particular, and reversible acetylcholinesterase inhibitor. Owing to this fact, the supplement is found to improve disturbances in cognitive functions as per animal studies.

Some Chinese clinical trials have shown the benefits of huperzine A in improving memory and vascular dementia. The supplement is also observed to cause fewer side effects as compared to other acetylcholinesterase inhibitor drugs.

Huperzine A protects cells against oxidative damage via numerous mechanisms.

Shatavari root

Shatavari Root, also known as Asparagus racemosus is being used for centuries to maintain the balance of hormones. An Indian traditional medicine can now be taken in the form of pills, dietary supplements, and powder.

Generally, Shatavari is traditionally used by lactating mothers to increase breast milk. It can be highly beneficial in improving immune systems. Also can be adapted to help with mental and physical stress.

  • Beneficial for Diabetes

Shatavari root shows impressive results in terms of the treatment of Type 2 diabetes.

The chemicals in the root extract are observed to increase insulin production by means still unknown.

An experiment done on rats showed that Shatavari could prevent abnormal changes in kidney tissues usually linked with diabetes. Besides maintaining blood sugar levels, the root extract is also seen to cut back cholesterol and oxidative stress.

  • Helps treat diarrhea

Shatavari is a traditional remedy for diarrhea. The upshot was confirmed by an animal study where castor-oil induced diarrhea in rats was effectively stopped with the use of Shatavari extract.

  • Boosts immune system

Shatavari boosts the immune system. Sapogenin, a steroidal plant compound root found in Shatavari, is an immune stimulator.

In a 2004 study, the research results showed that animals fed on Shatavari recovered fast from whooping cough due to an increase in the antibodies in the body.

  • Helps in Female Reproductive Health

Perhaps Shatavari is the most female-friendly herb and mainly use for the treatment of female reproductive disorders.

Shatavari helps strengthen the female reproductive organs, maintains hormonal levels, and matures the eggs into follicles.

According to a study published in Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy, it is also suggested to treat conditions such as hormonal imbalances and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Shatavari also helps to regulate PMS symptoms, menstrual cramps and control the amount of blood loss. It may also ease the bloating feeling that occurs during periods.

  • Antioxidant Properties

The high content of saponins found in Shatavari root extract imparts potent antioxidant abilities. For this reason, the root extract is considered an anti-aging agent in alleviating skin wrinkles by boosting collagen production and fighting oxidative damage in skin cells.

  • Safeguards against kidney stones

Oxalate stones in the kidney is a debilitating and painful condition. An animal study proves the benefit. The root extract is observed to effectively slow down the oxalate stone formation in kidneys by increasing magnesium in the body.

  • Helps in the treatment of Ulcers

According to a 2004 study, Shatavari is observed to treat gastric ulcers in rats. The researchers included that the herb is as effective as medications for ulcers. However, Shatavari is not as effective in treating stress-induced ulcers.

  • Boosts milk production

Young mothers find it quite challenging to breastfeed their young ones. It can happen due to many reasons but mainly stress. Taking Shatavari supplements regularly can boost milk production and can make the organs strong. Shatavari helps in boosting galactagogue. This is a beneficial treatment for the nourishment of young babies. It’s a natural herb, so it doesn’t cause any harm to the baby.

  • Relieves Cough

A 2000 study shows Shatavari root remedies were effective in relieving cough in mice. The most common remedy is Shatavari juice used in India for the treatment of cough. Researchers suggest Shatavari roots extract works as well as Codeine Phosphate, a prescription cough medicine.

  • Helps manage depression

Anti-depressive medicines have side effects. Shatavari root extracts a fair alternative remedy for the condition owing to its ability to boost specific neurotransmitters in the brain.


The origin of the lemongrass is from Sri Lanka and South India, but now it’s grown worldwide. Lemongrass is also known as Citronella or Cymbopogon Citratus. It is a tall plant with a fresh lemony aroma and citrus taste.

Lemongrass is used as an additive to beverages especially adding lemon flavor in herbal tea. The essential oil of lemongrass has an age-old use of relieving anxiety, reducing stress, lifting mood, freshening the air, and keeping away bugs.

Here are some health benefits of lemongrass;

Burns Fat and Boosts Metabolism

This is an excellent beverage for overweight people or those trying to keep their calorie intake under check.

Lemongrass tree is an excellent beverage for weight loss. It helps in detoxification which kick-starts the metabolism and burns calories. Moreover, it’s a natural drink without any chemicals; if you drink enough, you’ll likely lose some pounds.

Relives Anxiety

Not only is lemongrass used for tea, but it’s also a stress reliever. According to Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Centre, lemongrass leaves can help in relieving anxiety. Adding some lemongrass oil as a room freshener can lighten up the mood. Some people are already using this method to relieve their stress, although more researches are needed.

Aids digestive health

Lemongrass tea is a traditional herbal remedy for upset stomach, abdominal cramping, and other digestive problems. Research shows the tea’s effectiveness for gastric ulcers safeguarding against the side effects of aspirin and ethanol.

Helps in Controlling Cholesterol

High cholesterol can lead to a higher risk of a heart attack. According to the Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical Technology and Research, lemongrass oil is shown to cut back cholesterol in animals. The benefit is dependent on the dosage. In 2011 research an experiment on mice showed the around 100mg of lemongrass oil is a daily essential for lowering cholesterol.

Acts as a diuretic

Lemongrass is a natural diuretic, helping excrete excess water and minerals via urine. The diuretic action is specifically beneficial for heart failure, liver failure, or edema.

An animal study that evaluated the effects of lemongrass tea in rats showed that the plant’s diuretic activity is similar to green tea without significant side effects.

It helps regulate blood pressure

Owing to its benefits as an anti-cholesterol and diuretic ability, lemongrass is suggested to lower high blood pressure.

An observational study was conducted over 72 male volunteers who consumed either lemongrass tea or green tea. The study results were promising, with the participants experiencing a moderate drop in systolic and a mild increase in diastolic blood pressure besides having a low heart rate.

Helps in PMS pain

Lemongrass tea is excellent for menstrual cramps due to its soothing effect and anti-inflammatory properties. It is an excellent remedy to ease the pain of hot flashes and bloating owing to its diuretic effects.

Also, according to the Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical Technology and Research, lemongrass oil can be used to cool the body.

Boosts Red Blood Cells

In a study of 2015, researchers suggest drinking lemongrass tea for 30 days results in to increase in hemoglobin concentration and red blood cell count in the body. The researchers say the antioxidant properties of lemongrass tea plays a role in increasing red blood cells.

Good for Skin and Hair

As lemongrass tea has Vitamin A and Vitamin C, which are essential for good skin and hair. Lemongrass tea can be used for naturally shinning hair and glowing skin. It clears up skin, removes acne and pimples, and treats oily textures.

Antioxidant properties

Lemongrass tea helps removes the toxins from your body because of its detoxification ability. Its antioxidant content, namely chlorogenic acid, isoorientin, and swertiajaponin, help eliminate radicals that can cause chronic diseases.

Decrease the chances of cancer

It is thought that lemongrass tea can help in fighting cancer. The chemicals in lemongrass either directly kill the cancer cells or improve the body’s intrinsic ability to fight cancer cells.

Boost Oral Health

In many countries, people take lemongrass stalk and chew them to improve their oral health and keep their mouth clean. The food chemistry journal study confirmed this finding and has been proven to be used for more robust dental hygiene.

The antimicrobial properties of lemongrass are effective against Streptococcus mutans bacteria, responsible for tooth decay.

Anti-inflammatory benefits

Chronic inflammation has a role in disease processes like heart disease and stroke. Chemicals known as citral and geranial are attributed for their anti-inflammatory benefits, preventing inflammatory markers in the body.

Eleuthera root

Eleuthero root or also known as “Siberian ginseng,” is a small woody shrub. Its root exhibits medicinal properties.

Eleuthero acts as a stimulant, increases the central nervous system, and which helps in stress relief.

Eleuthero is an adaptogen, being part of Chinese herbal medicine that has been in use for thousands of years. Eleuthero has 30 species which some of which are found in the West.

Adaptogens herbs are well-tolerated, non-allergic, and can be used for the long term. Eleuthero is available as a tincture, tea, herb, supplement capsule, or pill.

The herbal extract is touted for enhancing physical performance effects besides relief of anxiety, stress, depression, and heart disease.

Here are some health benefits of eleuthero root.

  • Anticancer properties

Eleuthero has shown some properties similar to its counterpart, Panax ginseng, which exhibits anticancer and antitumor properties. Preliminary research indicates the possible benefits of eleuthero as an adjunct treatment for cancer. More research is required.

  • Heals Wounds Faster and Prevent Ulcers

As eleuthero exhibits immune-enhancing properties, it is suggested to speed up wounds’ healing and recovery process. The herb contains compounds that may prevent ulcers, including foot ulcers.

  • Improves Athletic Performance

A study showed that eleuthero benefits athletic performance significantly by improving physical performance, metabolism, and cardiovascular health.

  • Great Antioxidant

Studies prove the potent antioxidant properties of eleuthero. An animal study showed that animals supplemented with eleuthero had improved markers of their immune system.

  • Repairs Nerve Damage

Several studies have shown eleuthero extract help in preventing and repairing nerve damage. Research shows that supplementing with the eleuthero benefits neurological conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease.

  • Stabilizes Blood Sugar Levels

A 2013 study showed 480mg eleuthero per day significantly improves blood sugar levels by lowering them. This is of great benefit to patients with type II diabetes. The extract is also shown to improve insulin sensitivity in such patients.

  • Improves Mental performance

Researches have suggested that taking Siberian ginseng improves memory, attention span, and cognitive performance.

  • Flu

Early researches suggest taking eleuthero supplement helps relieve flu faster and reduce the risk of flu complications.

  • Helps Responding better to stress stress

Eleuthero is an adaptogen which means it enables the body to respond better to stress. Supplements having eleuthero supports adrenal gland function, which helps in handling stress better.

  • Improves Immune System

One study shows the immune-boosting effect in mice with eleuthero supplementation before and during illness. Eleuthero supplement is shown to maintain the levels of healthy T4 lymphocytes. The levels of these specific immune cells drop in conditions like HIV and AIDS.

  • May Protect DNA

Researches have shown that eleuthero may have a potential protective effect on human DNA. Test tube studies show that eleuthero protects the body from the damaging effects of ionizing radiation exposure.

Monk fruit

Monk fruit extract is approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as an alternative to sugar in 2010. Since then, it has become a sought-after sweetener owing to its zero-calorie content.

Monk fruit, also called Buddha fruit, is a small round fruit grown in the countries of Southeast Asia. It is a traditional ingredient of Chinese medicine. The juice from the fruit is extracted and dried in powder form to yield the concentrated powder.

The extract contains natural sugars like glucose and fructose, and it is 100-250 times sweeter than table sugar. However, the sweet taste of the extract is attributed to its antioxidant content, the mogrosides.

That is why Monk fruit extract is now used as an individual sweetener in food and drinks and a flavor enhancer.

Here are some health benefits of monk fruit extract.

  • It helps manage blood sugar and diabetes.

The sweetener has zero calories or carbs, so it does not raise the blood sugar levels, making it a good option for people who watch their weight or are suffering from diabetes.

Animal Studies in mice induced with experimental diabetes suggest that monk fruit extract may help reduce blood sugar levels. The extract significantly lowered the blood sugar levels and raised the good HDL cholesterol in the studied animals.

The antioxidant mogroside can stimulate insulin secretion within the body, which results in blood sugar-lowering effects.

  • Heart Health

Because of the beneficial effects of monk fruit extract on oxidizing cholesterol, the extract is suggested to cut back the risk of heart attack and strokes—the mangroves in monk help protect cholesterol from building up.

  • Promotes Weight Loss

Those who are checking their waistline can switch to monk fruit instead of their typical table sugar. Monk fruit has zero calories, no carbs or fat at all. Research proves that switching sugar with low-calorie versions can induce modest weight loss of fewer than 2 pounds (0.9 kg).

Another study stated by the Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics showed that the antioxidant in the monk fruit stopped the differentiation of fat cells into mature adipocytes, thereby contributing to weight loss.

  • Anti-inflammatory Properties

The mongroside content of the monk fruit extract is a potent antioxidant that protects the body from free radical damage. This helps to protect the DNA from free radical damage.

  • Helps with Cancer

Artificial sugar causes inflammation in the body, which leads to cancer. A 2016 study found that monk fruit may conquer colorectal cancer and throat cancer growth.

Evidence from animal and test-tube research indicates the ability of the monk fruit extract to inhibit cancer cell growth. The mogrosides suppressed leukemia cell growth as per one study, while another research suggested powerful inhibitory effects of the extract on skin tumors in mice.

  • Fights Infections

Antibiotic-resistant infections are prevailing globally due to the overuse of antibiotics. Studies show that monk fruit has antibiotics properties, acting as a natural anti-microbial agent.

Stevia leaf

Originally from Paraguay, stevia leaves are being used as an alternative for sugar in the beverage industry. It is an excellent sugar substitute, being 100 to 300 times sweeter than table sugar. Yet, the stevia leaf has no calories.

Stevia is a part of the Asteraceae family, which is related to the sunflower. Stevia glycoside, or mainly stevioside, is the main chemical in the stevia leaf, with the plant having over 240 species of small plants and shrubs.

The stevia products retailed in the market are made from highly refined stevia leaf extract called rebaudioside A (Reb-A), which imparts the sweet taste characteristic of stevia. Reb-A is about 200 times sweeter than ordinary table sugar.

Stevia extract or Reb-A sweeteners are available in liquid, powder, and granulated forms.

Some of the health benefits of stevia leaf extract include:

  • Lowers Blood Pressure

Stevie contains glycosides which are beneficial for blood pressure patients. The glycosides help the blood vessels to dilate and also increase sodium exertion. A 2003 study has shown that the stevia plant has cardiotonic action, potentially lowering blood pressure. Cardiotonic are helpful to control heartbeat and normalize blood pressure.

  • Manages Diabetes

Being zero-calorie, stevia is a great sugar alternative for diabetic patients.

Research has shown that stevia does not contain any carbohydrates or calories. Instead of sucrose present in regular table sugar, stevia contains a glycoside called stevioside free from carbohydrates.

  • Weight Control

As stevia contains no sugar or no calories at all, it is helpful for weight loss. The intake of sugar contributes to 10% of the causative factors of obesity. Stevia can help maintain a balanced diet without compromising taste.

  • Anti-Cancer benefits

The rich content of antioxidants found in stevia makes it an ideal dietary supplement for preventing various cancers, including pancreatic cancer. The crucial antioxidants in this regard include quercetin, kaempferol, and the other glycoside compounds in stevia. They function to eliminate free radicals in the body and block the mutation of healthy cells into cancerous ones.

  • Helps with Allergies

European Food Safety Committee (EFSC) approved in 2010 that stevia helps with allergies as steviol glycoside is not metabolized, due to which they are not reactive. Even the purified form of stevia leaf extract has no allergic reaction. This makes it ideal for use in energy drinks and other beverages.

  • Lower Cholesterol Levels

Studies have shown, consumption of stevia can help eliminate bad LDL cholesterol and increase good HDL cholesterol besides reducing triglyceride levels. According to some studies, stevia leaf powder can also help manage cholesterol.

  • Oral Health

Stevia extracts contain anti-inflammatory agents that reduce bacterial formation in the mouth. It can be used as a toothpaste by dropping few drops of stevia in the toothbrush or using it as a mouth wash. Many of the toothpaste contains sucrose which is highly harmful and can cause cavities. Stevia does not contain sucrose. That’s why it may help prevent cavities.

Kava root

Kava is made from the roots of Piper methysticum. This plant is found in Islands surrounding the Pacific Ocean. Kava is used as a ceremonial drink for hundreds of years.

Kava is used as a relaxing drink, helping relieve stress and boost sleep. In the Tongan language, the word kava means “bitter.” Drinking kava induces a feeling of euphoria.

The active ingredients of Kava are called kavalactones, which account for 3–20% of the dry weight of the root of the plant. The kavalactones are suggested to;

  • Reduce anxiety
  • Protect neurons from damage
  • Cut back pain sensations
  • Reduce the risk of cancer

Kavalactones produce these effects by affecting neurotransmitter levels in the brain.

  • Helps with Insomnia

A small study in Germany concluded that people who took 200mg of Kava daily find significant relief in insomnia after 14 days.

A specific type of Kava called kevain has a sedative effect which helps in boosting sleep. Also, due to its anxiolytic and relaxing effect, it induces sleep.

In another study, 24 people who took Kava were found to experience less stress and insomnia than a placebo. Insomnia is caused by anxiety, and studies have shown that Kava is better than another placebo as it not only boost sleep but also alleviates stress and anxiety.

  • Anti-anxiety effects

A 2002 review of seven clinical trials with 645 people who consumed Kava stated that the drink had anxiety-relieving effects.

In a study published in 1997, Kava significantly reduced anxiety in the participants. In another randomized controlled trial in 2013, scientists prescribed kava extract or a placebo to 75 people with an anxiety disorder for six weeks. The study concluded that Kava had a small but significant effect without any side effects at all.

  • It helps manage Menopausal symptoms.

Premenopausal and menopausal women suffer from hot flashes, irritability, night sweats, and insomnia. Research shows that taking Kava for eight weeks might help in reducing hot flashes and other menopausal symptoms in women. Other researches have shown that taking Kava extract for three months straight also reduces irritation, depression, and anxiety. Three clinical trials on premenopausal and menopausal showed improvement in anxiety, insomnia, and irritability.

  • Helps relieve Seizure and Epilepsy

Kava is linked with improved seizure and epilepsy in mice. Kava reduces motor activity and increases the threshold of seizure, thereby preventing epileptic attacks. This benefit is attributed to the blocking activity of Kava of sodium channels in the brain.

  • Improves Brain Function

Taking 300mg of kava extract has shown improvement in the functioning of the brain. The extract improves accuracy performance, better attention, and enhanced working memory, as per some studies.

  • Depression

In a trial involving sixty participants with anxiety disorder and depression symptoms, Kava was prescribed a dose of 250mg per day. The results showed that the extract helped reduce anxiety and depression in such patients.

In another study, twenty-eight people with major depressive disorder showed improvement in their symptoms after taking kava extracts.

According to animal studies, Kava induces a calm mental state and reduces fatigue and anxiety.

Sage leaf

There are many species of sage species, but the two most common ones are Salvia officinalis and Spanish sage. Sage is an herb used to make medicines and is also used as spices in food.

The medicinal uses of sage include the treatment for Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, and high cholesterol. Sage is packed with a variety of nutrients and compounds. The intensely aromatic green herb has an earthly flavor and is a natural cleaning agent.

Some health benefits of sage include;

  • Reduces Blood Sugar Levels

One study involving forty people with diabetes and high cholesterol took sage leaf extracts for three months. At the end of the study period, participants had lower cholesterol and blood sugar level.

Sage tea acts as metformin (an anti-diabetic drug), according to a study in mice. The mice with type 2 diabetes were given sage tea, and it managed the blood sugar level quite effectively.

In the human body, sage leaves improve insulin sensitivity and help with lower blood sugar levels. One study showed that sage extract activated some receptors in mice with type 1 diabetes and reduced their blood glucose levels.

  • Alzheimer Treatment

A study showed that some species of the sage could have a positive effect on cognitive skills and help protect several neurological functions. Animal studies and studies in vitro have proved that Salvia plants can enhance cognitive skills and can be used to treat Alzheimer’s.

  • Potent Antioxidant activity

Antioxidants protect your body from free radicals that can cause chronic diseases in your body. Over 160 polyphenols are found in sage, compounds that act as an antioxidant in your body. Studies show that drinking a cup of sage tea reduces “bad” LDL cholesterol and increases “good” HDL cholesterol in your body. It also increases the antioxidant defense in your body significantly.

  • Memory Improvement

In young healthy adult’s sage is shown to improve memory.

In a study, 39 participants took 2ml drops of sage extract supplements and some other placebo for four months. At the end of the study, participants who took sage drops significantly improved their memory, problem-solving, and cognitive abilities. A low dosage of sage drops has shown improvement in the memory of healthy adults though more dosage also elevated their mood and made them more calm and concentrated.

  • High in many Nutrients

Sage is packed with many different nutrients and antioxidants. One tablespoon of ground sage contains significant protein, carbs, fats, vitamin K, iron, and many more nutrients. Only a small amount of sage contains 10 percent of Vitamin K. Sage also contains copper, Vitamin A, C, and E, and minerals like magnesium and zinc.

Tulsi leaf

Holy Basil or also known as Tulsi, can counter metabolic stress and keep the blood pressure regular.

It is a green plant native to Southeast Asia and has a history of medicinal use in India.

Tulsi leaf extract can cure a ton of diseases, from ringworm to eye infection. The seeds and the leaves of tulsi are considered a tonic for the body and mind.

Tulsi is considered an adaptogenic herb, which can boost energy and adapt to the body’s needs. Typically tulsi is used for stress, anxiety, and fatigue.

The supplement is available in capsules, powders, and herbal tea.

  • Reduces Stress and Anxiety

As mentioned earlier, Tulsi is an adaptogen, which means it can help keep the mood calm and reduce stress. Adaptogen is a substance that adapts the body to stress and keeps mental stability.

In a 2008 research, 35 people with anxiety disorder took tulsi capsules twice for 60 days. At the end of the study, researchers found the anxiety levels got dropped after taking the capsule. The participants also included that they felt low levels of depression and stress. Tulsi has shown antidepressant and antianxiety properties similar to antidepressant drugs.

  • Treatment of Wounds and Infections

Extract of Tulsi leaves works as antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal. It is a traditional remedy for some kinds of wounds and infections.

Tulsi can speed up the healing process of the wound; it can also be used to protect the wound after surgery. Tulsi also increases the tensile strength of the wound or scar tissue.

  • Helps in weight loss and reducing high cholesterol

Holy basil targets metabolic stress, so it is suggested to help with weight loss and cholesterol levels in the body.

Animal studies involving rabbits fed on fresh tulsi leaves showed saw significant changes in animals’ fat molecules with lower “bad” cholesterol (LDL-cholesterol) and higher “good” cholesterol (HDL-cholesterol).

According to an animal study, the oil in holy basil (eugenol) is observed to lower stress-induced cholesterol levels. There was a reduction of total body cholesterol in rats after being fed with holy basil leaf powder.

One study also showed that tulsi could also reduce stress, increasing cholesterol.

  • Metabolic Syndrome

Tulsi can be used to treat lifetime chronic diseases such as diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome, according to a 2017 literature review published in the journal Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. A 24 studies review that tulsi is therapeutic for metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular disease, and immunity have found some favorable clinical outcomes. Plus, there were no side effects of supplementing with Tulsi extract.

  • Lowers Blood Pressure

Type 2 diabetes patients can use tulsi for the treatment. Human and Animal studies have shown that tulsi can prevent the symptoms of diabetes like high cholesterol, insulin resistance, weight gain, and hypertension. One study in rats showed tulsi extract decreased the cholesterol levels by 26.4%.

  • Natural Immunity Booster

Tulsi is high in vitamin C and is also a natural antibiotic. These properties can enhance the immune system and keep it healthy. Tulsi leaves extract can boost the natural killer cell activity to fight against diseases. Many of the medications for immunity has side effects, and Tulsi extract provides a safe alternative. One study showed that 200mg of tulsi extract could be helpful in the reduction of ulcers.

Cinnamon bark

A prized culinary spice, cinnamon holds many medicinal benefits to its credit. The age-old spice is an active topic of research owing to its many health benefits.

Cinnamon is made from the inner bark of trees called Cinnamomum.

There are two main types of cinnamon;

  • Ceylon cinnamon or true cinnamon
  • Cassia cinnamon or the common cinnamon

The inner bark is extracted from the inner part of the stems of the cinnamon tree, and the woody parts are removed and dried. The dried cinnamon sticks are ground to get a fine powder.

Cinnamon has a distinct smell and flavor owing to the oily content of the tree bark. The oil contains the chemical cinnamaldehyde, which is suggested by research to attribute to the health benefits of cinnamon.

Here is a look at them;

  • Anti-oxidative benefits

Free radical damage is the root cause of many chronic diseases, and antioxidants combat the free radical damage quite effectively. Cinnamon is enriched with antioxidants and caters to this function commendably.

In a study evaluating the antioxidant activity of prevalently used ingredients, cinnamon topped the ranks. It is a natural food preservative making it a fair ingredient in an energy drink.

  • Anti-inflammatory upshots

Inflammation helps fight the disease-causing agents in the body. However, a hyperactive inflammatory system that works against the body’s tissues and becomes chronic is detrimental to health. Cinnamon polyphenols keep the inflammatory processes in check.

  • Improves insulin sensitivity
  • Supports heart health

Heart disease remains the most prevalent cause of premature death globally, and cinnamon is linked to cut back this risk.

Cinnamon intake is suggested to lower the levels of total cholesterol and harmful LDL levels. The levels of good cholesterol HDL are observed to be increased with cinnamon use.

A recent review of studies has seconded the benefit of consuming cinnamon in a dose of 120mg per day. Cinnamon intake is also linked to controlled blood pressure, as shown by animal studies.

  • Potent anti-diabetic effect

Cinnamon can help manage diabetes by enhancing and improving insulin sensitivity, a significant contributor to type II diabetes.

In addition, cinnamon also decreases the amount of sugar absorbed in the blood via interfering with carbohydrate digestion in the gut.

Another chemical in cinnamon mimics the action of insulin and enhances the uptake of glucose by the body cells.

These effects combine to lower fasting blood sugar, about 10–29% that works excellent for people with diabetes.

The anti-diabetic effects of cinnamon intake are related to 1–6 grams or half to two teaspoons of cinnamon per day.

  • Neuroprotective effects

Neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s are caused by progressive loss of brain cells’ structure or function. Cinnamon is observed to benefit both these conditions.

Chemicals found in the cinnamon block the build-up of destructive proteins in the brain affected by Alzheimer’s.

Similarly, an animal study showed that cinnamon has a protecting effect on brain cells and preserving the levels of neurotransmitters in the brain affected by Parkinson’s disease.

  • Anti-cancer benefits

The evidence concluded with test tube studies suggest that cinnamon has anti-cancer effects. The spice extract not only cuts back the vascularization of the cancer cells but also hampers their growth.

Cinnamon is observed to activate the protective antioxidant response in human colon cells, catering to anti-cancer benefits in the intestine.

  • Anti-bacterial and anti-fungal benefits

Cinnamon oil is an effective herbal remedy for fungal infections in the lungs. Similarly, the oil is used to counteract bad breath and tooth decay.

  • Antiviral benefits

Though human trials are required however cinnamon sourced from cassia is suggested to exhibit antiviral properties, fighting against HIV as per some lab-based studies.

Fireweed rose

Fireweed is a flowering plant, also called Epilobium angustifolium. The extract of the plant is rich in minerals and vitamins.

Traditional medicine has many uses for this plant, some of which include;

  • A laxative and an antispasmodic tonic used for constipation as well as diarrhea
  • Fireweed tea made is effective for urinary ailments, prostate and gastrointestinal disorders such as diarrhea or dysentery.
  • Cleansing and soothing effect for minor burns, ulcers, skin rashes, and skin irritations
  • It helps manage intestinal irritation and intestinal digestion.
  • The leaf infusion benefits menorrhagia, leucorrhoea and uterine hemorrhage in women
  • A poultice of peeled roots and leaves helps treat skin sores, boils, swellings, mouth ulcers and inflammatory conditions of the ears, throat and nose.
  • The decoctions made out of the plant treat hiccups, asthma and whooping cough
  • A tea of roots and leaves helps treat yeast infections, candida and dysentery.
  • Water from a soaked flower is used for gargling to treat sore throat, laryngitis.
  • The flower and leaf infusion acts as hypnotics and is helpful for insomnia and headaches.

Some other health benefits include;

Bone healthThe mineral manganese helps prevent osteoporosis by incorporating it into the bones and increasing density. Fireweed is rich in manganese.

  • Prevent diabetes

The manganese content of fireweed may help balance insulin secretion and cut back the risk of unwanted drops in blood sugar levels.

  • Regulates metabolism

The same mineral manganese found abundantly in fireweed regulates the metabolism of the body. It does so by activating specific enzymes involved in the metabolism of amino acids, carbohydrates and cholesterol; vitamin B1 and Vitamin E. manganese also help appropriate liver function.

  • Prevent PMS

Manganese helps manage the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, including headaches, mood swings, irritability and depression.

  • Thyroid ailments

Manganese and thyroxine go hand in hand, and supplementing with fireweed supplements may help balance the thyroid hormones.

  • Supports vascular system

High levels of homocysteine is an increased risk for heart and vascular health. The vitamin B6 present in fireweed extract may help keep a check on homocysteine levels in the blood.

  • Brain function

Vitamin B6 has a role in maintaining and preserving brain function. Any deficiency of the vitamin affects memory, cognitive function, as seen in dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

Vitamin B6 also caters to the synthesis of norepinephrine and serotonin, neurotransmitters that regulate mood and behavior. It also contributes to GABA production, a neurotransmitter that regulates mood, prevents pain, and alleviates depression, anxiety, and fatigue. So taking a fireweed supplement may benefit all these health aspects.